Wednesday, June 13, 2012


James 5:13-16 -  Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

My office at MacDonald’s ended up being next to a sweet gentleman who talked my ear off. He had probably been sitting there most of the morning…just killing time. He said he was from Knox County…twelve miles from where we were. He was ‘retired’ …disabled from a stroke….just came to sit and watch people as they came in and out of the restaurant.  He needed what James was talking about here…a family…the kind that does not wear a mask…the kind that shares each other’s hurts and joys. The kind that prays for each other and loves us in spite of the mistakes we make.  The kind that does not abandon someone because they become unable to care for themselves…or become unable to work and make a living on their own.

I am blessed to have two …no…three great families…I thought of them as I read last night…even stopped to thank God for so many people in my life to share my pain and my joys. One of them is my natural family…a great mom and dad…super sisters…they have always been there for me in more ways than I will ever be able to thank them.  Another family is my great church… they are the place I worship my awesome God…learn more about his ways…and they allow me to be God’s servant as I work in some of the ministries they provide.  They introduced me to the third Celebrate Recovery group.  This group immediately came to mind as I read last night…for this group is truly a place where I talk openly about any problem I have…with sisters and brothers in Christ who understand my pains. They circle around each other like the old covered wagons that need to protect themselves from the attacks of Indians.  This group has been a conduit of God’s love like no other…a place where I have grown more than I ever dreamed.

It is important for us all to have such a become a part of a group that supports each other…prays for each other…confesses to each other.   James uses the word ‘koinonia’ ...which means to have communion with intimate participation. A feeling of connection that comes only from really knowing who and what the ones around you really need. To become …intimate… with anyone requires time…time to listen to their needs…time to pray for them…time to consider how God has equipped you to help them. To many times I know I have asked a colleague or friend how things are..and received the standard…”great” or “fine”….knowing they were holding back how they really felt. I guess I had better get to know them a little more…make an attempt to really help them see they can trust me with an honest …”oh life is so hard” or “ I really feel so beat down right now.”

It is no accident that I was ‘interrupted’ today as I quickly sat and ate my lunch to write today. God was putting what I read into action…as I actually wrote about family...he taught me that I should be more aware of not only my own families…remember I am blessed to have three…but I should be ever watchful of those that have no family.  He summed it up in the last verse of his book.  In verse 20 he says, “ remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” That sinner may be one who has no family …no support system…no friends to share the gospel.

Father…you are so amazing…to bless me with so many friends and loved ones.  I thank you for all my family and friends that you have sent my way to help teach me about you.  Help me to be more aware of those that have no one…open my eyes and ears and give me courage and an unhindered love for those around me that need to hear about you. Thank you for the humility lesson today…and help me to never take for granted the great family you have allowed me to share. Amen.

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