Sunday, December 16, 2012

Promises are Made to be Kept!

Numbers 30:1-2 -  Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel: "This is what the LORD commands:  When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.


Moses gathered the leaders together to give them more words from the Lord.  This time he was told to tell them how important it was for them to keep their promises….the promises we make to God…and the promises we make to men.  Moses told them that they must keep their promises…do everything they say they are going to do….forever.


There were few exceptions listed later in the chapter.  A parent could override the rash promise or vow of a youngster still living in their home…and a husband had the same authority over his wife.  But widows and divorcees were still held to the promises that their husbands had not nullified before they found themselves alone.


It’s simple…our promises should be kept…no excuses…no reasons existing to break them. Sure there are a few scriptures that tell us divorce is allowed in the case of adultery…but other than that the bible is pretty clear that anything we say we will do…and don’t…is a lie.  Matthew 5:37 says… “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” ….and Proverbs 19:5 says…. “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.” 


It is hard for me to put in words my heavy heart concerning Moses instructions concerning vows. I have always had a problem with lies.  I found it so easy to put together an untruth…to make myself look fit in better with a group conversation. They seemed so innocent…and didn’t hurt anyone else.  God is still revealing some of these lies to me…and how they damaged me and my ability to serve him. And those seemingly white lies don’t even begin to help me deal with the questions I have about my divorce.  The physical adultery I thought was happening on my ex-husband’s part was never really proven…except in love notes and text messages…so deep down I still wonder if I truly should have stayed and let God heal what was broken instead of running away from the pain.


Bottom line is that I have to keep searching for the truth…and try to let God work with my mistakes.  He offers his forgiveness…and gives me clear directions to make restitution for all the lies he reveals to me…and someday I will understand fully how I am to deal with the guilt I seem to struggle with from the divorce. Every vow I made in my life should be kept…and even though it is hard…and sometimes impractical…God still demands that we search our hearts for the right thing to do…even if others don’t accept it.


Father…I thank you for the words of Moses…that we should always keep our promises to others and to you.  I thank you for the forgiveness you give and the chance to make things right.  I thank you for the sweet peace you give me when I listen to that still small voice tell me to make something right.   I thank you for the strength to search for the truth…and keep the new promises I make to you in worship and praise of what you did for me on that cross so long ago. Stay with me and hold my hand as I listen today for the tasks you have for me to do. Bless the people I broke promises to…and help me to find ways to renew those vows and keep them from now on.  Amen.

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