Monday, February 18, 2013

What Will You Serve?

Joshua 24:12-15 - And I sent hornets ahead of you to drive out the two kings of the Amorites. It was not your swords or bows that brought you victory.  I gave you land you had not worked for, and I gave you cities you did not build -- the cities in which you are now living. I gave you vineyards and olive groves for food, though you did not plant them.  "So honor the LORD and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD alone.  But if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD."


Joshua is days away from dying of old age.  So just like his great mentor Moses…he gathers the all the people of Israel together…the leaders…the moms….the dads…the brothers and sisters…the children.  He gives them one last pep talk…to make sure they understand how important following God is. He reminds them of all the great things God has done for them…and asks them the most important question they will ever be called to answer… “choose you this day whom you will serve?”


Joshua knew his choice…and he shouted it out with the reminder that the alternative of worshiping the idols of the people around them…the people they were supposed to have driven out…the people they  had allowed to stay in the land the great Lord had given them.  Joshua told them he and his house would serve God only…then he paused for their answer.


The people were all fired up for God…in that moment…their words repeating Joshua’s great answer.  They would love God with all their heart….and even allowed Joshua to help them make a covenant with God…and write it on a stone. Then he called for them to destroy every idol that existed in the land.  He called for them to destroy any image that might tempt them in the future to break their new covenant with God….and he set another stone that rested in the midst of them as a witness to the promise…and heard every word that they had said.


I can sure say with certainty that I have chosen to follow God too.  I can write my promise down…and make it binding between me and God. I can renew a passion to search my heart this morning for any idols…and try to purge everything in my life that keeps my eyes from staying completely on God.  I can even let my computer be the stone that keeps me accountable…for it watches me type my prayers to God every morning.


Once we make that decision…it will be hard to keep it. Satan searches every nook and cranny of our hearts…looking for a way to sneak that idol we kept back …into our view. The crowd is gone…we are alone…and that stone we placed as a witness is not shouting at us to be careful.  And so we break our promise…sometimes without even realizing it until we have let the idols back into our lives….the pride…the jealously…the greed…and the other things of this world that take our eyes off God.


Father…I thank you for the great resolve of Joshua…and the reminder he gave to us right before his death…to be completely sold out to you.  Help me this morning to search for those idols that still exist in my life…for I am sure there are many Satan has hidden from me…or disguised as good. I want my promise to love you…and your promise to love be forever…and give me the power and strength to do the work you have placed me here to do. Help me to uncover any idol in my life that keeps me from following your will for my life. Amen.

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