Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Help Chase Some Darkness Away

Psalm 88:2-6 - Now hear my prayer; listen to my cry.  For my life is full of troubles, and death draws near.  I have been dismissed as one who is dead, like a strong man with no strength left.  They have abandoned me to death, and I am as good as dead. I am forgotten, cut off from your care.  You have thrust me down to the lowest pit, into the darkest depths.


This Psalm…Bible scholars think to have been written by a man with the name Heman…describes the deep emotions of one who has been trapped in darkness.  He felt he had been cut off from God’s love and care… and been thrown into a deep hole of confusion and darkness. His separation from the life giving love of God was more than he could bear….so he cried out to God…the only one he knew who could lift him out of that imaginary pit.


Darkness left to darkness…increases in intensity. The dark around us seeming to close in and literally choke us. Our eyes see no tangible way out of the mess we have let trap us…so we just drift deeper and deeper in to a pit of despair and hopelessness.


But darkness exposed to God’s light….exposes the truth…it dissipates the darkness and tells it to flee. The light replaces the doubt and confusion the dark planted in our mind with truth and mercy and grace.  Then it grows from our minds straight into our heart…where God begins to give us new hope for our future.


I took a break from the world to work with some High school girls this weekend at an Emmaus Chrysalis Retreat .  I watched God chase the darkness from their minds…and replace it with his light and truth. It was the most precious job he has asked me to do yet. I thank God that he allowed me to witness his love work in such a powerful way.


He calls us all to listen to his still small voice each day….because he needs us to show that light to others daily.  He wants to use us all to help him chase some more of that darkness away that has settled in our part of the world. He has placed us all exactly where he wants us…we just need to listen to him tell us what to do to help him.


Father…thank you…thank you…thank you times infinity….for allowing me to witness the great work that you did this weekend. I squeal in delight and happiness to have been used to help you transform so many young hearts into stronger Christian ladies.  My prayer this morning is for each of them as the wake to the real world where you have placed each one.  Send down a few extra angels for each one to hold their hand and give them confidence.  Help the light you planted in their hearts to shine so bright that even Satan will be afraid to mess with them today.  Amen.

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