Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Share God's Truth With Others

Joshua 21:1-3 -  Now the family heads of the Levites approached Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the heads of the other tribal families of Israel at Shiloh in Canaan and said to them, “The Lord commanded through Moses that you give us towns to live in, with pasturelands for our livestock.”  So, as the Lord had commanded, the Israelites gave the Levites the following towns and pasturelands out of their own inheritance:

When all the land had been allotted…the heads of the Levite families came to Joshua and Eleazar at Shiloh…in the midst of all the tribe leaders.  They reminded them of God’s instructions to assign cities for them to dwell in among the other tribes. So all the tribes gave of their individual portions to fulfill the promise God had made to these priests…48 cities in all.

I have to admit it wasn’t a fun or deeply meaningful chapter to read.  I got really lost in the strange names of all those cites…and which family of Levites each city went too. I found myself skimming the chapter for names and numbers …going to the commentaries to try and glean some bit of wisdom from all the details.

It was Matthew Henry’s thoughts…who said of this process… “Thus did God graciously provide for keeping up religion among them, and that they might have the word in all parts of the land. Yet, blessed be God, we have the gospel more diffused amongst us...” that started my heart thinking this morning. It was God’s plan all along that his truth be dispersed throughout the land.  He began this thought with his chosen people so long ago...and continued it as he left this earth to rein in Heaven with what many refer to as the great commission.

It is one of the few times that all four gospels record a bit of Jesus’ words in this important moment of faith for those that were honored to share his last moments. Mark 16:15… Matthew 28:19…John 20:21…and Luke 24:26-27 all record the charge he gave to all to believe to share his truth with all people. It remains the most important part of sharing a personal relationship with God the father…his precious son Jesus…and the Holy Spirit that dwells among us to help us in this venture.

It is true that some people who hear will reject it…and even reject you for your obedience. But it is not our job to make sure they accept the truth…our job is only to present it.  Free choice is still an option and always will be. We are judged individually...not as a group.

Father…thank you for the reminder that part of my commitment to you is to share your truth to others. Forgive me for the times that I have wasted an opportunity to share your truth to an unbeliever.  Help me to be so in tune to your voice that I hear your directions and your words when a lost soul is near enough to me to be used of you to help them understand.  Amen. 

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