Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Time For Comfort ..AND..A Time To Speak Out

Judges 9:7 -  When Jotham was told about this, he climbed up on the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted to them, “Listen to me, citizens of Shechem, so that God may listen to you.

Jotham had escaped from being the 71st victim of the evil mind of Abimelech. All of his other brothers were unfairly murdered so that Abimelech could be king. Jotham came out of hiding to stand on a tall mountain …to shout to the people who had been tricked by the new king how crazy they were to allow it.

It must have been hard for Jotham to even come out of hiding…let alone position himself so that the whole town was drawn to come listen to him.  He chose to make his first points with a story… then explained the meaning to each one that would listen.

I am reminded by his wisdom to hide that there is a time to be quite and retreat to God for guidance and direction. I am also reminded that sometimes God ends our retreat of time with him with a call to speak out against the acts around us we know are not done with the love of God.

I admit that it is hard to know the difference sometimes.  I am very guilty of retreating way too long sometimes… even though I know that God is in control…I let fear hold me back from standing on that mountain and speaking to those that would listen. I needed the reminder to stay so connected with God that the world is not able to influence me too easily…so that when it is time to move and speak out for God’s way of pure love…I will be ready...excited…as soon as he gives the order.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you are always there for me to run to for comfort and protection. Forgive me for the times that I let my heart take advantage of the feeling of warmth and love your presence provides by keeping it all to myself.  Help me to listen better to the calling of your spirit to speak out and share your love.  amen.

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