Thursday, July 6, 2017

Deep Love Produces the Right Things

1 Samuel 20:4 -  Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee.

It’s a story of a deep friendship…how love bound together two people of  different upbringing. It’s a story of how one person gave up everything he thought he would inherit when he met the one God anointed to take his place.  We read it and think of the best friend we ever had…but as I read it again last night…I couldn’t help but think God included this story to show us how to let God take control of our heart when it comes to making decisions. It shows us too just how important maturity in our faith is to doing God’s will.

Jonathan could have sided with his dad. He could have been selfish and kept the throne for himself. But Jonathan had a deep love for God and his ways.  He knew down deep that something was wrong with the way his dad treated David. He sensed the truth of David’s anointing and accepted it without questioning. He did whatever he could to preserve the truth…even if it meant giving up the throne and severing the relationship he had with his dad.

It’s a reminder to me that my love for God needs to be deep for me to always sense his truth and stay in his will. If I am honest…I am still a work in progress … and need to strive more consistently to deepen my faith. I need to keep maturing…and never accept that I have grown all that I can. I need to stop and pray before any decision…. And let God control my heart as it makes daily choices.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you need to be in control for me to be my best model of you. Forgive me for the many times that I have let complacency keep me from deepening my relationship with you. Help me to always seek new ways to grow in faith so you can use me to do your will. Amen.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Our Confidence is in God…Not Ourselves

Our Confidence is in God…Not Ourselves

It’s been a long time since I blogged. Since that’s a post for a different time….I’ll just begin by telling you that my deep reflection in this moment is the result of tonight’s Celebrate Recovery meeting at my church. We are working through the 24 lessons…and tonight’s lesson on being ready to turn all my character defects over to God...for good…completely…has me focused on the root of one of my character defects. I have suffered from lack of self-esteem since I was little…but tonight I realize the real problem is that I have always placed my confidence in myself instead of God. I am ready to change that.
Jeremiah 17:7 confirms I am right.  It says…  “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” Isaiah 32:17 speaks to the solution to my specific problem. It says...“ the fruit of that righteousness will be peace…its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.” This is great for me …since it will really conquer two defects I have. I like Peter ….one of my other defects of character is a tendency to speak before I think…and offer more opinions than are sometimes asked for.
The real problem is that I have hung on to my flesh to tightly…and haven’t completely given this defect to God.  I keep trying to battle it myself. So no wonder I have failed so many times to id myself of it.
Starting now…I will work toward letting God’s confidence guide and direct me when I feel weak and inadequate. I will stop trying to excuse it and joke about how ‘not ready’ I am …and let God strengthen me and give me courage from his infinite supply. I am ready to just be obedient…and do it…even when I don’t think I am qualified. I am ready to believe the sweet encouraging words from my fellow Celebrate Recovery members…and let God use me each week to share John Baker’s great lessons.

Father…thank you for the reminder that true confidence can only come from you. Forgive me for the times that I have disappointed you…myself…and anyone else with my negativity. Help me to build each person you cross my path with positive energy and your confidence…so that you can use me to share the message you need me to share. Amen.