Saturday, March 17, 2012


Romans 4: 18-20 - Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God

Paul well understood the concept of faith…but chose to use an example from the Old Testament.  He explains the difference in work….being paid for what you do… and faith…believing in the grace that God gives as a gift.  He quotes one of my favorite Bible authors then…the beginning of David’s Psalm 32, "Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him."  Then…he chooses the father of the Irsaelite nation as his model of what true faith must be in all of us.

It doesn’t matter how old or young….how weak or strong….how educated or uneducated…are rich or poor….what matters is that you believe.  What matters is that you believe ….against all hope…that God is big enough to accomplish what he ask you to do with what you have….period!  God can awaken what he needs in our lives….just as he awakened the seed of Abraham at 99….and the womb of Sarah at 90.  He can and will send to us all that we need once we say yes to his call.

And the really cool thing is the payoff we get when we truly have faith…the strength we gain as we trust him is amazing! Look back to how Abraham grew in the Lord…to the point that he was willing to sacrifice the one son God blessed him with because he wanted to be obedient to God. Think about Noah…and the great boat he built to save all those animals…because of faith.   Think of Joseph…and the mighty leader he became…because he had faith.  Look at Paul…and the amazing way he could lead people to understand how Jesus came to die for our sins and give their life completely to God.

Problem is…at least for me ….is that we limit God to what WE think WE can do.  I am a Sarah…laughing out loud…..or a Moses….giving God excuses….or a David…falling in sin before I finish my job! Oh how thankful I am that our God can handle even our human nature…no one else is so loving…so forgiving…so restorative.  He can take us all where we are…and if we have faith in him…he can build us into mighty servants.  When we stop laughing…he can restore our womb and plant the seed of a great nation.  When we stop giving him excuses…he can turn us into a confident leader who leads a stubborn nation to a land of promise.  When we repent of our sin…he can save us by his grace and make us a great King!

Father…help me to have this kind of faith. Erase any doubt that you are capable of accomplishing through me ….anything….period.  Help me to stop limiting my work for you because I think of what I have been in the past.  Help me to think beyond my human capabilities…and trust…even when I cannot see…that you have a big…huge….enormous plan for my life…..bigger than I could ever dream of.  Fill my heart with courage and strength as I begin to trust you with all that I am…not just the pieces I know about already.  Help me to accept that hidden in me somewhere are talents and gifts that you have yet to reveal and use…help me say yes to you…so you can speak to me…and reveal the work you would have me to do for you!  Amen!99

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