Job 30:1 and24-26 - "But now they mock me, men
younger than I, whose fathers I would have disdained to put with my sheep dogs.
"Surely no one
lays a hand on a broken man when he cries for help in his
distress. Have I not wept
for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor? Yet when I hoped for good,
evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness.
Job continues to speak from the depths of his tired and
hurting heart. He starts the next
section with the famous word ‘but’….leaving the safety and comfort of his
memories to explore the reality of the condescension around him. The community
that once respected and came to him for help were mocking him and increasing
the pain in his heart. The physical pain he was suffering from… was compounded
by the hurtful comments they were all whispering…close enough for him to hear.
He cried out to God once more…asking him why he did not
answer….why he would not come to him in his sorrow and pain. He has reached the
limit of his pain…his skin literally black and peeling from the disease he suffered
from….fever burning every bone from deep within. Depression surrounded him…beginning
to take hold of his heart. His sleepless nights just gave him more time to
reflect on why …he thought…God was punishing him.
Depression is a horrible tool of satan. He uses it to wrap a
thick cloud of confusion and doubt around our brain that creeps into our soul
and plants seeds of hate and bitterness in our soul. Its tendrils spread
quickly and encompass the good God has planted in our hearts. It tricks us into thinking we have no hope…like
Job we see the end of our life flash before us…and we think in our confusion
that we have accomplished nothing good…God completely absent from the picture.
Job had access to the answer…he had probably read the words
of Solomon in Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth the bones." BUT…he had let satan wrap his heart
with the tendrils of depression and was not using his own advice from Chapter
one to praise God through his storm. He had said in Job 1:21… “And said,
Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the
LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” He was dangerously close to letting the long
list of what was wrong with his life in this short moment…keep him from remembering
the long list of blessings God had provided throughout his whole life.
I will be honest with you…it is very hard to thank God and
praise him for the pain in your life.
BUT…it is very empowering when you do.
The words somehow put your pain back in perspective with the rest of the
world…and take the focus off of yourself.
The words… “thank you God for the short …wonderful...irreplaceable love
that you allowed Mitchell to bring to my life” still bring tears of sadness and
longing for the great moments we shared.
BUT the tears become a tool of God to ease my pain…and give it purpose.
The weakness the sadness brings…provides a new door for God to come in and show
his power to overcome and work miracles with my pain. The focus is off of me…and
depression flees as satan sees that God is more important than what I lost.
Too bad Job didn’t have Casting Crowns great song… “I Will
Praise You In The Storm.” It was inspired
by a family who lost the young 10 year old Erin Edwards to cancer. The
testimonies of her mom…and stories of hope and faith all the way up to the last
breath Erin took….helped the band pen the great words to a song that I think of
many times throughout the day. It gives me
strength to stay connected to God’s hope…instead of plummet into satan’s pity
parties of depression. Listen to it at least once today….and gain strength as
the words sink into your soul.
Father…I thank you for the tears of sadness that come when I
thank you for the sweet memories of Mitchell…and the great love we shared. Thank
you for giving me the strength and opportunities to praise you in my storm so
you could use it to help me realize that you are in control…and the focus of my
life should be helping you spread the truth of the gospel. Thank you for never
leaving my side…but inviting me straight into your arms for comfort and peace.
Help me father to always stop and search for you when I feel satan creep close
with his lies and tricks….help me to hold tight to your hand and let your
strength replace the weaknesses that I discover in my human existence. Amen.
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