Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fear Equals Reverence And Respect

Proverbs 9: 9-11 - Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.  "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.  For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life


Solomon uses the word fear in these verses to help us understand the reverence and respect we must have in our heart for God.  To truly know God…is to develop a fear of losing the guidance and protection he provides for us once we believe.  We respect him as our father…and stand in awe of the gift he gave in his precious son…..who died on a horrible cross to save us all from our sins.


The chapter paints a picture of the two choices we have in life…to follow the harder path of wisdom….or be swayed away to the easy path the world tempts us to follow.   The one who holds a true love of God in their heart…will love God as much as he loved us…and cling to the faith that God will hold our hand while we take that harder path.  The longer we allow God to lead us on that harder path…the wiser we will become.


I will admit that God has been very patient with me while I tried to walk on both paths.  It is amazing to me that he loves me in spite of my attempts to have my cake and eat it too…so to speak.  I needed the reminder this morning that the world just can’t offer me the same guarantee of life forever that God gave me when I gave my life to him.  I need to be more loyal to his way…and listen a little closer to his directions of how to stay on the path he wants me to be on.


Father…I find myself saying I am sorry a lot lately…for straying from your will…and chasing those worldly rabbits that only lead to empty holes.  Thank you for reminding me that you are a patient…loving God…and never leaving me to fall so deeply in one of those holes that I can’t reach your hand and climb out. Help me to open my eyes to see your path more clearly….and open my ears to hear your voice above all the worldly sirens that try to call me so close they can trap me in their spell. Amen.

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