Saturday, June 28, 2014

Has Sin Become Your Normal?

Isaiah 3:5-7  -  People will take advantage of each other -- man against man, neighbor fighting neighbor. Young people will revolt against authority, and nobodies will sneer at honorable people.  In those days a man will say to his brother, "Since you have a cloak, you be our leader! Take charge of this heap of ruins!"  "No!" he will reply. "I can't help. I don't have any extra food or clothes. Don't ask me to get involved!"


Isaiah had one of the hardest jobs that God anoints people to do.  He was commissioned to speak the truth to a nation who had forgotten their first love…and replaced it with their own selfish desires. It is not an accident that God allowed his words of judgment and discipline that God would use to correct his people….for they have just as much truth today.


The problem is that we become so engulfed in our sin that we don’t see it as sin anymore.  Our sin has become our normal….and we justify everything we do based on the new normal that satan has tricked us into believing. We even search out scriptures to justify the things we have come to believe falsely are good and righteous ways to act.


I have been on the road for the last two weeks…vacation one week…youth camp another…and took a bit of a break from the writing task God has given me to do. God has used the time that I have been on the road to deepen my understanding of the 15 chapters of Isaiah that I will try to catch up on this week.


One day I met a young man named Ben…because the car my widow friends and I were traveling in broke down. He drove us to the rental place…and I used the time we waited for the paperwork to be completed to ask him if he were a Christian and where he might be going to church. He quickly answered that he was ‘saved’…but did not go to church.  He felt his time on Sunday should be used for ‘sleep…and ‘rest’….just like we are told God rested in Genesis 2:3.


I have not been able to get ‘Ben’ out of my heart.  I somehow sensed the confusion and pain he must be going through to not know the healing support he could find in a loving church family. I shared briefly with him how I never could have made it the last few years without my church friends and family. And it seems that something happens every day to remind me to pray for him to find a church that can help him see the truth.


“Ben’ has become a reminder to my heart that millions of other Americans…and citizens of other Christian nations have wandered so far from the truth. The anarchy we experience in the world today is a direct result of all the ‘Bens’…who have decided to rewrite the book and make their own rules for how to love God and the others around us. Every broken relationship…all the lack of respect we see for all the differences in the human life God created…the blindness of our hearts to see the needs of others around us….and the forgetfulness we see of a God who could fix it all if we just humbled ourselves and asked…is a direct result of the complacency we have allowed to rule in our hearts. It will eventually cause our self-destruction.


Father…thank you for the reminder that I need to ask you to take off my blinders.  Help me to identify any sin I have let become my normal…and really gasp the truth of what you intended for me to be when you allowed me life on Earth. Show me the scriptures I need to shake of every sin that I have justified as okay…because I let my self be tricked into be living it was okay. Amen.

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