Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Heart Needs Only The Rules Of God

Matthew 15:7-9 - You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: " 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.4'd5"


Jesus used these harsh words after a discussion with the Pharisees about one of the many rules they had added to the laws Moses handed down to them. It was one of over 100 rules and rituals that had been written down for the Jews to follow. Their intent was to interpret the laws…spell them out in detail…so that all would know exactly what each of the ten commands meant.  The rule had become more important that the reason God gave Moses the Law in the first place…and many of the rituals actually twisted the true intent that God wanted to be a fixture in our hearts.


Jesus intent was to have one church…but man has separated themselves into denominations….claiming that theirs is the one that mimics the first churches of God the closest. One of the dangers of separate denominations is exactly what Jesus addressed here. A we write down the by-laws and mission statements of the churches…we run the danger of interpreting the original laws into nitpicky rules that don’t enhance our lives the way God intended the law to help us grow and develop. Our rituals of worship become more important than the God we came to offer our praise too.


What a great reminder to keep our hearts ever tuned to the simplicity of the ten commands God gave Moses on that mountain. We should concentrate on our individual relationships with Christ…and depend on him alone to interpret the meaning of each one in our lives. Deuteronomy 4:2 warns us not to add or subtract anything to the words Moses brought down from that mountain.


Father…thank you for the reminder that your word is simple….and our ears understand it best when we have a relationship with you like Moses did.  As we meet with you daily …you will explain each one as it pertains to our lives.  Forgive me for the times that I have tried to twist the meaning of a law to benefit me.  Help me to listen closely when we meet each day so that I can understand each one as simply as you meant it.  Amen.

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