Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Worship God In Spirit And In Truth

John 4:21-24 ­- Jesus replied, “The time is coming, ma’am, when we will no longer be concerned about whether to worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. For it’s not where we worship that counts, but how we worship—is our worship spiritual and real? Do we have the Holy Spirit’s help? For God is Spirit, and we must have his help to worship as we should. The Father wants this kind of worship from us. But you Samaritans know so little about him, worshiping blindly, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes to the world through the Jews.”


Jesus had been walking on a hot day and was so tired that He stopped to rest by a well near Sychar where many hated Samaritans lived. While He was there he spoke at length to an adulteress woman who came to draw water. There discussion started with how she could have water that would make her live forever….and ended with Jesus explaining that He had come to change the way people worship God.


Even before the veil was torn separating the Holy Of Holies….Jesus began to open the realm of who could approach God. The world had known a world of sacrifice and intervention…but Jesus was soon to provide the last sacrifice that would make worship and communication with God a personal experience.


What a great reminder that God is available to all that call on His name. We must admit that we are powerless to help ourselves and let Him help us. We need His help to worship and follow Him as he wants. Worship and communication with Him should be spiritual and real.


Father thank you for the reminder that I am nothing on my own. ..and I can call on you to help me any time I need.  Forgive me for the times that I have tried to leave you out of the picture.  Help me to always communicate with you and search for the spirit that can sustain me through all things.  Amen.

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