Friday, June 5, 2015

Open Your Eyes To A Whole new Perspective

I usually start a devotion with a scripture I have read… but I find myself motivated to pull out the computer on the last leg of my flight to California and write.  Three hours of sitting in cramped seats…but close enough to a window to stare out and experience God’s creation in a totally different way gives me so many thoughts of praise and awe.


The world looks totally different  from the sky…I like to think that is the way God sees us…tiny in comparison to the great big earth he created. His view most of the time is even smaller than what I see…but since He has reason to come so close and check up on us…I just imagine it’s what he sees each time he comes close to earth.


I have flown before…but this time I found myself paying attention to the layout of the land below.  Land in cookie cutter shapes and sizes….framed by trees and sidewalks and highways.  Houses look like building blocks I used to play with…cars like tiny ants creeping below.  The land is molded and very artistically layed out when you look at it from above.


The most amazing thing is the way the land changes.  God made the world so different from mile to mile….the mountains taking on different shapes as we travel west.  The snowcapped peaks that first took my breath away melted into flatter rounded shapes with deep crevices that I imagine let the water flow into the rivers that feed our world its fresh supply of H2O each day.  Then change again into large cracks of canyons that glaciers carved into the mounded hills.  It changed backed to lower peaks once again as we neared the coast.


Psalms 65:6-8 says …. “ Which by his strength setteth fast the mountainsbeing girded with power:   Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people.    They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens:  thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.”


I am awed…I am renewed…I am reflective of the bigger picture that is hidden from me when I only let my heart remember the earthly view I usually see. I am reminded that God is so much bigger than I can ever conceive. I am reminded that He made these grand mountains in six days….with nothing but His hands and feet and mind. If that doesn’t amaze you…then I don’t know anything that will.


Father…thank you for the reminder that you are bigger than my tiny mind has made you.  Thank you for the different view you gave me this evening …and the mountains that you girded with majesty and power…. that helped me see the strength you hold in reserve for all who ask you.  Forgive me for the times that I have limited you to one perspective….and failed to let you fill me with the power of these grand mountains.  Help me to be ever aware that you are in everything around me and everything you created has power to deepen my faith.  Amen.

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