Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hospitality....The Cure For Someone's Loneliness

3 John 1:11 -   Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do what is right prove that they are God’s children; and those who continue in evil prove that they are far from God.


John uses his last words to reinforce the dangers of letting the wrong people influence our thinking and actions.  He says to weigh our decisions carefully against the truth….and follow only what is good. John’s concern here was the support and kindness we show to travelers who have dedicated their lives to teaching and preaching the gospel…and how hospitality should be a central part of any believers’ routine.


My Life Application Bible started me on a vein of thought this morning that has tweaked my understanding of the importance of reaching out to others with hospitality… even if they are not a traveling teacher or speaker. It said … “because of our individualistic, self-centered society, there are many lonely people who wonder if anyone cares if they live or die.” Nothing but truth in that statement….I have met several of those people in person.


I am guilty… of not reaching out enough...of justifying an occasional card….of letting a visit to a friend in the hospital tell my head that I already follow John’s directives. This morning I am struggling with whether I could use even more of my time in retirement to search out more of these lonely people. I sure understand how loneliness works…even though I know that I am loved more than I deserve.


Father…thank you for the reminder that I am the cure for someone else’s loneliness. Forgive me for letting my own needs and desires cloud my eyes from the ones around me that need to feel a good dose of support and love. Help me to open my eyes and heart to the clues you send to help me know who to help and what to do for them.  Amen.

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