Thursday, November 19, 2015

More Martyrs To Come...Are You Ready To Be One Of Them?

Revelation 6:9-11  -   And when he broke open the fifth seal, I saw an altar, and underneath it all the souls of those who had been martyred for preaching the Word of God and for being faithful in their witnessing.  They called loudly to the Lord and said, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long will it be before you judge the people of the earth for what they’ve done to us? When will you avenge our blood against those living on the earth?”  White robes were given to each of them, and they were told to rest a little longer until their other brothers, fellow servants of Jesus, had been martyred on the earth and joined them.

John continues to write down the details of his vision of the future. The lamb begins to open the scroll and as it unrolls further and further a seal is broken to unveil vivid pictures of what is to come. Horses of different colors with riders carrying weapons of battle and judgment…signs of great earthly distress like earthquakes and moons that turn red…and stars that appear to fall from the sky. The one that caused the most reflection for me as I read last night was the altar he saw.  Underneath it were the souls of many Martyrs….calling out to God for vengeance for their deaths.

A martyr is defined as one who dies for their beliefs. These martyrs died because they preached the gospel…or allowed the faith they had in Christ to allow them to stand for him…even in the face of death.  I don’t know them all by name…but I can think of the moment in the news when they passed to this honor. At the top of my list are those children of Columbine… and many others are listed in the pages of history books…like the apostle Peter. 

I was drawn to how they called out to God for vengeance for their unfair death. God answered them quickly with not yet…many more are yet to join you. It got me to wondering if I have the kind of faith they have….and if I could be as brave and strong if I am called to join them. They let God take first place in the moment they needed him the most…trusting their very life to the salvation he gives us all.

I want to be that honored…but know in my heart that I need much more faith to be ready for a moment of testing like that. The epiphany of the morning is that I just can’t feel confident in my own beliefs in to think I could join them.  But I know that God can do all things through the blood he sacrificed to save me…so I guess I have more prayer and study to figure out how to tap into that great wealth of faith and confidence.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you can give me the strength to do all things. Forgive me for the times I allow my human weakness to limit my thoughts and actions. Help me to stay so connected to you that I can increase moment by moment that you are within me to help me realize the great faith of those that have died before me.  Help me to be ready to die for you in any moment that I am called to take a stand for my belief in you.  Amen.

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