Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jesus...Share His Wonderful Saving Touch

Leviticus 13:1-2 - And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:  “When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his body like a leprous sore, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests.

God gave Moses an extensive list of rules to deal with leprosy.  Its sores spread by contact and made a person so unclean that they must be isolated for the rest of their life. It did not kill a person’s body…but slowly ate away at it… eating away the skin and nerves. This incurable disease was one of the worst things to be declared of a person.  

It still exists today…renamed Hanson’s disease in 1873…but it is easily treatable now. It affects mostly third world countries… a quick google search said about 6,500 cases worldwide.  It is rare in the United States…our ability to treat it with heavy duty antibiotics keeping statistics here low.

It must have been horrible to hear those words from the priest back then…to be declared leprous…to have to leave your family and live in isolation outside of camp. No wonder they sought out Jesus for healing when news of his powers began to circulate.  They risked so much just getting close enough to him to even shout their uncleanliness.

Jesus touch of healing did more for them than cure them of the disease.  It showed them how much he loved them. Jesus’ touch brought restoration to their whole lives…and reconnected them with their families and friends. What joy they must have felt as they ran to the priests of their towns to be declared clean.

I know that feeling of joy…even though I have never been healed of anything so life altering. The day God came into my heart and took up residence…he cleaned house. My heart is kinda like my house…cobwebs trying to form in the high corners and ceilings everyday.  But if stay connected to him…and listen to him tell me when the dust and cobwebs are forming… he can help me clean them right back out of my life.

Father…thank you for the reminder that sin threatens to eat away at the joy you gave me when we met.  Forgive me for the times that I have let my heart get dusty and dirty. Help me to do regular housecleaning with prayer and Bible study...so I can keep my heart healthy and clean for you to live in. Use me to touch others with the love that will teach them about your wonderful saving joy.  Amen.

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