Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sell Out To God...Make the Best Use Of The Blood Jesus Shed For Us

Leviticus 17:11 -  For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ 

God gave Moses specific laws for man to follow when any animal was killed. If possible the blood of the animal was to be brought to the door of the tabernacle and sprinkled around the altar. If outside of camp …and too far away…they would need to drain all the blood and cover the blood they drained with dust. They were never to eat blood…and if they ate any animal flesh that died naturally or was killed by a beast…they must wash their clothes and bathe and be unclean till evening.

Blood is the life giving force of our existence.  We simply cannot live without it pumping through our body. It carries needed things to all our cells and gets rid of the toxins that build up in many bodily processes. For these children of God…it made atonement for the sin in their life.  It could have no other meaning or purpose…it was holy.

Jesus fulfilled this law for all eternity many years ago. There are many scriptures that tell the complete story…but I like the way Ephesians sums it up in chapter 1…verse 7.  It says….  “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence…”Jesus shed his blood to be the last sacrifice ever needed again to atone for sin.

Perhaps because this is Easter weekend…my mind has been reflecting more often about the cost for Jesus of this priceless gift to me….and everyone else that believes. This would have been the day after his crucifixion…. sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven….along with that criminal that accepted him on the cross next to him…hearing the proud words of his father for completing his purpose in life.

Jesus was sold out to his father…completely. He let his father’s spirit rule his every thought and action.  He became the most humble of men …so he could become the most righteous of all men. It is a great reminder to me that I need to be more like him…ready to be sold out to God instead of swayed so much by the worldly things around me.

Father…thank you for the reminder of your great love for me.  Thank you for shedding your precious blood…and using your father’s strength and vison to make a way for me to join you someday in Heaven.  Forgive me for the many times I let life distract me form the purpose you sent me here for.  Help me to be more focused and sold out to only you…so I can help you spread the story of how only you can save us from an eternity of death.  Amen.

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