Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Family Is Important...AND...Time Is Not Guaranteed

Numbers 26:1-2 -  After the plague the Lord said to Moses and Eleazar son of Aaron, the priest, “Take a census of the whole Israelite community by families—all those twenty years old or more who are able to serve in the army of Israel.” 

I am reading in Numbers still…a little behind on the blog because I have been visiting my son and his new family in California for the last 2 weeks. I had underlined the word family immediately as I read it…so conscious of the importance of that word in my heart.

I have been blessed with more than one family.  I have my biological family….my Christian family….2 very close church families…a wonderful group family called Celebrate Recovery…and since the birth of my second grandson…a sweet family in California.

As I was pulling up Numbers 26 to pick my verses for the blog today…this verse popped up as the verse of the day… Psalm 90:2…. “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” Oh how my heart felt the meaning of that like never before. My 2 weeks in California to celebrate my grandson’s 1st Birthday mirrored its importance. My time with that sweet family in California limited to one visit a year….flew by…seeming like a day or two as I said goodbye to fly home yesterday.

What a great reminder of the sober fact that time is fleeting….a mere way to measure earthly minutes on the land God asks us to serve others to spread the gospel of his saving grace. I can’t recall all the moments of my 34 years of teaching….the year I have spent in retirement seems like a moment….the 6 years I have spent without my sweet husband who died too soon seems like yesterday. But on the other hand…the one day I have spent away from my son …my grandson…and his sweet family seems like forever ago.

Family…plus the limited time God grants us …equals one huge urgency in my soul to make sure I use as much time as I can to let others around me know how very empowering his love is when you accept him as your savior. I would be a basket case…every moment …. if God did not control my time…and how it is used each day.

Father…thank you for the reminders that time is not guaranteed…and family is important. Forgive me for the many mistakes I have made using my time…and the many times I have failed my family with my selfish choices.  Help me to allow you to control my time management…so that I can be the most useful servant for your kingdom.  Amen.

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