Saturday, August 29, 2015

Crucify Your Flesh...Every Day

Galatians 2:20-21 -   I have been crucified with Christ: and I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not one of those who treats Christ’s death as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping Jewish laws, then there was no need for Christ to die.

This 2nd part of Paul’s letter to the Galatians continued to help them understand the great debate of their culture.  It was not the rituals …like circumcision…or the many laws that had been written into the Jewish faith that would save them from their sins.  It was the acceptance and belief on Jesus Christ alone that would save them and give them salvation.

Paul ended this part of his letter with one of the great scriptures that we use today for building maturity … faith … a serious understanding of the magnitude of what Jesus did for us.  We need never let our hearts lose the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection….least we become so comfortable in our faith that we become hypocritical.

I messed up my usual routine yesterday with a long afternoon nap.  Then I found myself still awake way later than my usual bedtime. I even let my sleep overcome me without following the rule of my heart that I would never go to sleep without letting God’s word be the last thing I read before I close my eyes. So I found myself waking way later than sual….no notes to write my blog with this morning.

Long story condensed….I read and made my notes on the deck this morning…surrounded by the sounds of God’s creation….and visits by many of the beautiful birds He allows me to help Him care for with my feeders. When I came to the bold statement of Paul in verses 20-21…I was both convicted of my lack of strength…and comforted by the knowledge that God doesn’t keep track of the rules I keep or break… IF…. BIG IF…. I find a way to come back to Him and admit my sin…repent of it and use His love to try a little harder to get it right.

Paul knew the strength of crucifying himself every day to Christ…so that God could help him wash a little more of that human flesh away…that satan uses to trip us up when we stray too far away from the truth.  God doesn’t care when I read my Bible….he just wants me to read it often.  God doesn’t care when I write the insights he gives me to what I read…He just wants me to write.  God gave us rules to help us realize how close or how far away we are from His will.  They don’t save us…they let us know we are doing what is right…or what is wrong.

Father… thank you for loving me so much that you make a way for me to abide so close to you that I can die to my sins every day and let you take away another piece of the flesh that connects me to the world. Help me to learn to use your law to crucify the things that hold me back from pure and unconditional love…of you and those you send for me to share your love with.  Amen. 

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