Monday, August 3, 2015

Rebuking vs Judging

1 Corinthians 5:6-8  -  What a terrible thing it is that you are boasting about your purity and yet you let this sort of thing go on. Don’t you realize that if even one person is allowed to go on sinning, soon all will be affected? Remove this evil cancer—this wicked person—from among you, so that you can stay pure. Christ, God’s Lamb, has been slain for us.  So let us feast upon him and grow strong in the Christian life, leaving entirely behind us the cancerous old life with all its hatreds and wickedness. Let us feast instead upon the pure bread of honor and sincerity and truth.


Paul had learned of a blatant sin within the church.  He told them it was wrong to allow such sin to exist within the body of believers that called themselves the church. He called it leaven…the yeast that makes bread rise to twice its size…and said it would eventually destroy the validity of the church body. My Life Application Bible…compared it to the modern day disease of cancer…that destroys everything in its path till it kills its host.


I admit that I struggle with Paul’s harsh words here….and the commentary helped me very little understand the tough love of his words. I have this inner need to love all people…in spite of the sin they have fallen too…and would really have a hard time with the concept of kicking a member out because of Paul’s instructions.  If we really took Paul literally….purging all “Christians” currently involved in sexual sins….greed….swindling….worship of idols….drunkards….and abuse…..out of our churches…we might not be left with many people.


I agree whole heartedly that the sin destroys and paralyzes the church. The hypocrisy it creates to non-Christians distorts the love that God wants others to see in us. I see the need to get rid of it…but struggle with exactly how to keep it from being a form of earthly judgement. Paul made sure that he told the church to meet together with God’ spirit and power to lovingly remove the person who was sinning from the church. His advice was perhaps based on Jesus’ treatment of the woman caught in adultery in John 8. Jesus did not let her be stoned…after He convicted all the others sinners that wanted to kill her to stop…he simply told her to go and sin no more.


Jesus would not let those “Christians” stone her because they were judging.  Read a little bit of Matthew 7 if you need a definition of what Jesus saw wrong with the whole display. They had huge planks in their own eyes…and were more interested in vengeance …or merely trapping Jesus in a sin Himself…. instead of seeing a change in this woman’s behavior.


Paul’s words are much like Galatians 6:1….which says…. “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”  I bet it was very hard for Nathan to obey God and go to speak with David about his sin with Bathsheba…but he did it…and look at the change that made in David’s life.


Father...thank you for the reminder that there is a fine line between rebuking a Christian brother…and judging them.  Forgive me for the times that I have judged others when I am guilty myself of many sins.  Help me to always let you do the judging…and let you give me the courage and discernment to stand against sin that you bring to my heart…. while loving the person that needs to let that sin go. Amen.

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