Friday, August 28, 2015

Nothing Is Needed For Salvation But The Blood Of Christ

Galatians 1:6-7 -  I am amazed that you are turning away so soon from God who, in his love and mercy, invited you to share the eternal life he gives through Christ; you are already following a different “way to heaven,” which really doesn’t go to heaven at all.  For there is no other way than the one we showed you; you are being fooled by those who twist and change the truth concerning Christ.

Paul was concerned that the Jewish converts of Galatia were trying to teach that the Gentile converts needed to also follow the Jewish laws in order to complete their salvation. The ritual of circumcision was at the top of their list.  It created quite a stir between the two groups of Christians… threatened the unity of the church…..and more importantly altered the pure words of the gospel message.

Paul wanted to be clear…there is only one way to heaven.  Salvation comes completely and instantly to those who believe on Jesus Christ.  They recognize their sinful state….and repent of them by claiming the blood that was shed for them by Christ on the cross. They believe that he rose again to claim victory over death….and that alone is the only way to be saved.

Paul wanted them to see that the law was created solely to help us recognize the sin in our life.  All of the covenants that man made with God before He allowed His son to pay the total cost for our sins were replaced with this act of sacrifice. Nothing else was needed to prove your love to Jesus except an admission of sin…repentance and acceptance of the free gift He gives to all that believe.

I am very thankful that I was raised to believe from the beginning that Jesus is the only way to salvation. But I needed the reminder to keep in mind that many people are raised with others beliefs. Jesus spoke the concept plain and clear to Thomas in John 14:6….” Jesus told him, “I am the Way—yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me.”

I am called…like Paul…to teach the truth to all those that have been tricked to believe that anything else will put them on a path to Heaven. My actions should show all those around me the transformation of my heart when I accept that free gift from God. The rules God left with Moses should be used to keep my life pure and holy so God can take up permanent residence within me….so God can continually let His love take charge of everything I do.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you gave your son to die for my sins and once I believe in Him my name is written in permanent ink in your book of life everlasting. Forgive me for the times that I let life and the world water down and twist my faith into thinking that anything else will please you. Help me to accept the gift of grace you gave to me completely…so that you can use me to tell others about the life changing grace and mercy you give to all who believe on your son.  Amen. 

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