Monday, July 21, 2014

Break Out Of Your Routines....Examine the Reasons You Do Things

Isaiah 29: 13-15 -And so the Lord says, "These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote.  Because of this, I will do wonders among these hypocrites. I will show that human wisdom is foolish and even the most brilliant people lack understanding."  Destruction is certain for those who try to hide their plans from the LORD, who try to keep him in the dark concerning what they do! "The LORD can't see us," you say to yourselves. "He doesn't know what is going on!"


Isaiah’s message here is pretty clear. We don’t always honor our commitments…to others around us…or God. He sees everything we think…and do….or will do in the future.  We could never hide anything from God. God is the smartest person ever…and no human will ever learn the deepest secrets of how he created the world…let alone what day and hour he plans on coming back to get us.


The real problem is that religion becomes too routine and ordinary…and we slip from the realness of his presence into a self-sufficient world of ‘I can do it myself.’  Jesus used almost the same words when he spoke with the Jewish leaders of his day…he said in Matthew 15:8-9… “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. Their worship is a farce, for they replace God's commands with their own man-made teachings. "   Mark even recorded his direct quote from this passage in Isaiah in Mark 7:6-7.


The only way I know of to break the routines is to keep your worship and religious practice focused on the model of Christ.  To walk in humility…to put others before one’s self….to really pray with fervent emotions…to study the Bible with passion…to really seek God with your whole heart and soul…body and spirit.


I have to ask myself constantly if I am doing what I do for God because of a habit….or because I feel in my heart it is what he wants me to do. And I have to admit that I do things out of habit more than I should…because routines feel safe.  Routines help us set boundaries…and are not evil in themselves….but they become tools of evil if we let the routine become the reason for what we do. The Jewish laws were given to us ...the ten commandments are still valid and good.  But Christ who came to fulfill the law…wants us to really look inside them…and see the people they were written for….not the piece of paper they were written on.


Father…thank you for the reminder that I need to guard my heart from being too routine.  Forgive me for the times I have done things out of pure habit. Help me to see the deeper meaning in each rule you gave us to follow…and see the reason you ask me to follow it…instead of the mere words that make it take form on the paper.  Amen.

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