Isaiah 26:3-4 - You will keep in perfect peace all who trust
in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD
GOD is the eternal Rock.
It was one of the rare times we get to hear a positive word
from Isaiah. This chapter is full of the
promises and blessings that God pours out on us when we stay in his perfect
will. Isaiah must have tucked this
moment of positive thought away to help carry him through the harder days when
he had to deliver harsh judgment from God.
I have to admit that I thought about the fact that just
because I am being obedient…doesn’t mean I am gonna enjoy a peaceful calm life
full of good things. But then again…Can I ever be sure that I am truly fixed
completely on God…trust him so completely so that he can pour out the blessings
and promise of Isaiah here.
My Life Application Bible pointed out that Isaiah defined
the strongest relationship with God in the verses following. Look closely at verses 8-9….and you will see
that a righteous person was defined by Isaiah as one who does God’s will….searches
for God day and night….and glorifies god with everything they do.
I have to admit that I fall way short of this
definition. If I am totally honest I have
to admit that most mornings I groan and stretch and beg god for a bit of time
to be lazy….think way more about what I want to do instead of ask him what he
wants me to do…and fall asleep most nights like the disciples did in the garden
the night before Jesus died…my weak prayers slowly taken over by the physical need
to sleep.
Thank God he does not give up on this old lady that has
trouble staying focused on him…and he won’t give up on you either. He told
us in Deuteronomy 31:6… “

Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid
of them! The LORD your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor
forsake you." And Jesus even told us in Matthew 28:20…. “Teaching
them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”

Father…thank you
for the promise of being my BFF. Forgive me for the times that I have let my
selfishness and pride get in the way of your plan for my life. Help me to
embrace your promise anew this day…and carry your light to others who have lost
their way. Thank you for never giving up on me…even chasing me down and gently
tapping me on the shoulder till I listened.
Help me to focus more on you…so I can begin to grow and truly understand
what it means to do your will….glorify your name…and search for you day and
night. Amen.
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