Tuesday, July 22, 2014

God's All Consuming Fire Can Reveal The Best Of Who He Created You To Be

Isaiah 32:14-15 -  The sinners in Jerusalem shake with fear. "Which one of us," they cry, "can live here in the presence of this all-consuming fire?"  The ones who can live here are those who are honest and fair, who reject making a profit by fraud, who stay far away from bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong.


Isaiah…how he must have been focused on God to hear these words day after day.  This chapter …about in the middle of what is recorded….tells us about an all consuming fire that will burn up the evil in the world…but protect and shelter the good.


I thought of Moses immediately…the first man recorded to have stood in the midst of that fire.  He heard the voice of God…and had to take off his shoes while he stood so close to his presence.  His testimony recorded in Exodus 3 provides a visual of just how close we can be to God if we get curious enough to go see that smoke we stare at from a distance.


Moses had an encounter with God that changed his whole life…..changed his whole perspective on life.  It turned his focus from what can I do…to what can God do. It took the simple shepherd rod he held in his hand…and turned it into a rod powered by God himself. The evil in his life melted away and was replaced with strength and courage


To evil…to sin…the fire is a great fear.  It destroys the life that satan has helped us build apart from God.  But to the Christian…who has accepted God into his heart…the fire is a light…it reveals the good God placed in us to help him…so we can become the messenger God wants us to shine to the world. And we can’t stray too far away from his all consuming fire or we lose our way….start listening to satan again.  He can disguise himself in some pretty creative ways…so that most of the time we might even think it is still God.


I wonder how many times Moses saw that fire before he approached it.  I wonder how long it was before he got curious enough…empty enough to go let God help him.  I guess that really doesn’t matter.  What matters is he eventually went….took off his shoes…gave a few last effort excuses…then placed that shepherd staff in God’s hands. God took over from that point… so he could change Moses’ life and all the Israelites lives that God gave him the skills to lead to safety.


Father….thank you for reminding me that you are an all consuming fire. Forgive me for being so afraid of it…and waiting so long to come enjoy the warmth of your power. Thank you for helping me see the benefits of staying close to your fire.  Help me discern the lies of satan…so I don’t stray too far away again. Help me to see what I have in my hand that you can use to spread your light to the world. Amen. 

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