Friday, July 17, 2015

Exchange Your Sin For Greater Faith

Romans 4:20 – 22 -  But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened.  He was completely sure that God was well able to do anything he promised.  And because of Abraham’s faith God forgave his sins and declared him “not guilty.”


Paul used the model of Abraham to help explain the concept of God’s gift of grace and mercy. He wanted everyone to understand that we do not earn God’s love…our sin prevents us from ever working hard enough to pay the debt of death that we all owe for the sin in our life. God’s forgiveness and salvation is a free gift that we accept when we have faith…the ability to believe in what God can and is going to do…just because He loves us.


It is one of the best deals in existence…we give God our sin…and he gives us His goodness and forgiveness. Once He has cleaned out all that sin from our heart…He can come move in…and bring with Him His father and the Holy Spirit. They become our best friends….and we begin to take on Their characteristics….especially the ability to love and forgive others.  The rules are there to simply expose any sin that tries to creep back in to our heart…cause its great roommates can’t live where sin lives.


The other great characteristic that we develop once God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit take up residence in our hearts is an ability to trust and believe in every promise that He made to us through the scripture. If we keep sin from moving back in…that faith grows stronger and stronger…helping fuel us through the tough times of life. That’s really what faith is…not hoping that something will happen….but knowing for sure that it will happen…no matter how long it takes.


My favorite promise is Jeremiah 29:11. He knows the plans He has for my life…they are going to prosper me…and give me hope to live with joy and contentment…whatever the future holds….. paraphrase mine.  All that is required of me is to daily expose any sin that has tried to creep into the heart I gave to God when I was 14. God…does the rest…for He is able to do anything He has promised….AND…I believe that He will.


Father…thank you for the reminder that You can and will do all that you promised. Forgive me for the times that I allow sin to creep into my life and slow down the process of exchange. Help me to keep sin from moving in to my heart…so You can build enough faith in my heart to last through the waiting times …no matter how long you ask me to wait.  Amen.

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