Friday, July 31, 2015

Weakness Is Made Strong With The Holy Spirit's Power

1 Corinthians 2: 3-5 -  I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling.  And my preaching was very plain, not with a lot of oratory and human wisdom, but the Holy Spirit’s power was in my words, proving to those who heard them that the message was from God.  I did this because I wanted your faith to stand firmly upon God, not on man’s great ideas.


Paul speaks of the importance of using simple language when we try to explain Christ to others. He did not worry about any weakness he might have in public speaking...or understanding of the scriptures because he knew that the Holy Spirit was right there with him feeding him every word he needed to use when he spoke.


I understand this concept all too well…it is what gives me the courage to put words to a blog every morning. I know that I am not compiling this blog on my own…if I was it would serve no purpose but to puff me up and render me prideful.  Because I am obedient…and listen each day to God give me insight to his word…I am able to not just understand it…but write it down in simple words for others to understand as well.


There is nothing complicated about the gospel.  God is the most complicated thing that exists…we haven’t seen the half of what He is capable of doing on this earth….but His love is the simplest…easiest thing to possess. And when He gives us the Holy Spirit….we begin to understand ….everything we need too…when we need to understand it.  God uses this awesome power to comfort…guide….inspire….and give us the courage to be bold evangelists like Paul…so that others can be told of this awesome ….simple love that will transform the most complicated sinner’s life.


Father…thank you for the reminder that even though you are the most complicated thing that exists…you have given those that believe in you the power to internalize all the pieces we need to process everything you have asked us to do.  Forgive me for thinking that I am too weak for you to use.  Help me to remember to ask you for all the power that I need…and rely on the power you havealready given me in the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

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