Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wait For God...Don't Let Time Or The World's Influences Hurry Your Decisions

Romans 12:3-5 -  As God’s messenger I give each of you God’s warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.  Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the others.


Paul used some of his words to stress how important it is to be very honest in how we measure the worth we have here on earth.  He said we should measure our value honestly….using the faith God gives us as our measuring stick….and constantly keeping ourselves aware that God created us with a specific job to do for Him.


Each of us are a part of a larger body…each person has value according to God’s master plan. If we use the faith God gave us when He saved us to search for our job …then we become a part of bringing that master plan into existence. Paul’s contentment in part was because he knew that He had found his job to do for Christ.


I am guilty of thinking that the job God gave me to do should be something that makes me happy…but that happiness…a true contentment with what I do every day is only found when it is connected to God’s will for my life.  If I try to justify my job against the standards of the world I create an imbalance in God’s plan…for the world’ standards try to increase the evil in the world. They will never be the same as God’s standards until He comes again to earth and banish evil for good.


Even though Paul suffered much in his lifetime...he knew that his suffering had a purpose in spreading the gospel.  It produced a happiness that no amount of worldly influence could sway because it was based on his faith in God…rather than the world’s measures at that time. Paul said to be very careful that we search for our value only by Christ’s standards…so we will have a true picture of what God gave us specifically to do for Him.


I will also admit that I struggle with what God gave me to do.  He blessed me with many mediocre talents…all useable in different areas of ministry for Him. Right now…it seems that He is only using the newest talent He gave me of writing…and that only to a small degree. My heart keeps telling me that there is something else He sent me here to do…but He hasn’t revealed it yet. I sure needed the reminder not to jump too soon into a job…just because I think I need to work.  I just need to chill…till God has all the pieces in the master puzzle put together that I need to do my job as well.


Father…thank you for the reminder that you have a job for me to do…and you will reveal it when your timing is complete and perfect. Forgive me for being so bad at chilling…thinking that my inactivity is wasting time.  Help me to accept the gift of time you are giving me as a way to reflect more on you…and allow you to prepare me for whatever you have planned for me.  Because of Jeremiah 29:11….I know that it will be good for me…and give me all I need to be successful and prosperous in this world till you call me home to live with you. Amen.

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