Sunday, October 11, 2015

Angels...Real And Very Active In The Believer's Life

Hebrews 1:13-14 - And did God ever say to an angel, as he does to his Son, “Sit here beside me in honor until I crush all your enemies beneath your feet”?  No, for the angels are only spirit-messengers sent out to help and care for those who are to receive his salvation.

Hebrews is one of those books of the Bible that we are not 100 percent sure of its authorship. There is a long list of possible writers...but no one can prove any of them. Whoever wrote it was close to Timothy…for he referred to him as a brother.

The problem this recipient faced in his ministry was real.  Some of the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah…they regarded him as a sort of head angel.  This writer is trying to give the reader some great points that separate the angel’s role from that of the Christ.

No angel ever went to the degree of sacrifice that Christ did to save us from eternal death.  Christ sits now in a seat of honor in charge of the angels….spirit messenger’s that he sends to help all those who have and will accept his salvation. They work overtime as God and his precious son Jesus send them out to comfort … help … and care for us.

I have never seen an angel…but I know in my heart that many have aided me over the years.  I have felt their comfort…I have benefited from their care and help. I believe the angels are all around us…they are sent to keep those from danger that God has not chosen to receive into heaven yet.  They are sent to give us inner strength when the task God has asked us to do is hard.  They seep into our hearts and take over our physical presence when God allows pain to enter into our lives. I am sure they held my hand more than a few times in many difficult situations….they may have even joined me in spirit as I worshiped and praised God a time or two.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you have many angels that you can send to be a part of our experience with you.  Forgive me for the times that I didn’t acknowledge their presence….or thank you for the comfort and help they provided.  Help me to be so in tune with you that I notice the presence of the ones you send to help me….and thank you for the load they bear for me.  Amen.  

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