Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Most Important Thing

1 Timothy 6:20-21 -   Oh, Timothy, don’t fail to do these things that God entrusted to you. Keep out of foolish arguments with those who boast of their “knowledge” and thus prove their lack of it.  Some of these people have missed the most important thing in life—they don’t know God. May God’s mercy be upon you.  Sincerely, Paul

Paul closed his first letter to Timothy with a strong urging to use all that God had entrusted to him.  He cautioned him against arguing and debating theological points with others that would not relent their positions on things that the Bible clearly spoke the truth.  Paul wanted Timothy to concentrate on the most important thing….sharing the gospel truth with all that he could……so more people could come to know God.

Debating details of time and law do not unify the church and concentrate on the most important part of the gospel. We should concentrate our time and effort in helping people understand the mission of Jesus…His perfect life….the sacrifice He made in giving His life…and the defeat of death in His resurrection.  Once they have accepted this truth…and believe in Jesus…they can begin to sort out the other details as God reveals them through study and prayer. 

Let me use a phrase from Max Lucado’s book….You’ll Get Through This. He says to concentrate on doing the next thing that is right. Paul says the way to do that is to trust God…hold tight to His hand through study and prayer…remember that money and time on the earth are not permanent…love people more than money…love God’s work more than money and things….and share what we have been given with others.

I needed the reminder not to get caught up in useless debates or things that take my focus off of God. For me…that means making sure I use this wonderful time of retirement to do things that promote Christ. It is a time of confirmation that I am using my time these days to do what I will call….‘God Things.’ Subbing isn’t the highest paying job to supplement one’s income…but it serves teachers and students with the needed comfort of knowing they can be out when they need to be. Sewing quilts and working with other ministries in the church doesn’t pay me a penny…in fact...I spend more of my income to buy material to help keep the ministry going. The payback is the joy I feel when I finish a job…or turn in one more finished quilt. I just can’t stop smiling these days…even after a full day of work at school…or on a new quilt.

Father…thank you for the reminder that I need to use what you have given me in this season of life to do good things for you.  Forgive me for the times that I have let the fast pace of life and the loneliness of the moment distract me from what is most important.  Help me to use all that you have given me and thank you more often for the precious gift you gave me in salvation.  Amen.

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