Thursday, February 14, 2013

No Revenge Allowed!

Joshua 20:1-3 and 9  -  The LORD said to Joshua,  "Now tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed Moses.  Anyone who kills another person unintentionally can run to one of these cities and be protected from the relatives of the one who was killed, for the relatives may seek to avenge the killing.   …..

These cities were set apart for Israelites as well as the foreigners living among them. Anyone who accidentally killed another person could take refuge in one of these cities. In this way, they could escape being killed in revenge prior to standing trial before the community.


This was important...because Joshua took the time to record that God had spoken these words directly to him.  God told him to set up 6 cities…scattered equal distances from the entire Promised land…. so anyone who accidently killed someone would be able to run from those who sought unjustified revenge.  There would be 3 on each side of the River…so that no one would have more than a half day’s journey to get to one.  The management and care of the cities and the people who had to flee was designated to the tribe of Levite


One commentator allowed us to even ponder the Hebrew meanings of the 6 city names. The three cities west of the Jordan were Kedesh …meaning holy …Shechem ..meaning shoulder… and  Kiriath-arba….which was Hebron…meaning fellowship. The three cities east of the river were Bezer… meaning fortification…Ramoth…meaning high and exalted…and Golan…meaning joy.  Great names for places where God would protect and guard you in this time that had to be emotionally draining on those who had to use them.


The setting up of these cities helped God teach us that justice is not always an easy thing to decide. Our human emotions…especially in the loss of someone we love…cloud justice…and allow Satan to promote feelings of hate and bitterness...that increase our want to avenge the loss. There really are two kinds of emotions here…the hate and pain of the family who lost a loved one…and the pain and guilt felt by the one who caused the loss.  If you accidently caused the death of someone with a wreck…or the deer you thought you just shot was actually a person…some of the family and friends of the one who died would simply not accept your accident plea. These cities provided a cool down spot…where God could protect the life of the accused and provide a place for them to heal from what pain they had caused…while he decided what judgment was needed.


I have that verse….Revenge is mine, says the Lord …from Leviticus 19:18 ringing in my ears and heart.  And Romans 12:21 says…. “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”  God wants all of us to model his love and mercy and leave the judgment and punishment up to him. I for one am so very thankful that we don’t need physical cities of refuge anymore…because God sent his courageous and loving son who was obedient even to death on the cross.  His love provided the ultimate refuge for all wrongs…and if we but allow ourselves to be washed in his cleansing blood…we can experience the love and forgiveness that offers us protection from every sin we have ever committed.


Father… I thank you for the reminder that I have no right to judge the guilt or innocence of others around me.  Help me to always remember that revenge is not ever my human right…but that revenge is only for God. Help me to give him complete control over the world and the things he allows to teach us more about his love. Grant me peace and wisdom….in every situation that Satan tries to implant bitterness and hate. Place so much love and compassion in my heart that bitterness and hate have no place to grow.  Show me how to release the feelings of injustice to you…so you can help me understand ...and accept…and allow you be in control. Amen.

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