Monday, May 11, 2015

Hypocrisy Cannot Be Hidden

Luke 12:1-2 -Meanwhile the crowds grew until thousands upon thousands were milling about and crushing each other. He turned now to his disciples and warned them, “More than anything else, beware of these Pharisees and the way they pretend to be good when they aren’t. But such hypocrisy cannot be hidden forever. It will become as evident as yeast in dough.


Jesus was constantly surrounded by crowds of people. Some came for healing….some came to seek inner peace …..some came just to see what the big deal was about this man. Jesus ministered to them all….helping each one as time allowed.  But Jesus constantly felt the darkness around Him as well….from those that came to taunt Him….to persecute Him…to kill Him.


He warned His disciples to be careful of hypocrites above anything else.  He saw the dangers that their fake goodness caused in the hearts of those that followed rules that brought order to the world…but left compassion and love completely out of the picture. He saw the hate that hid deep in the heart of these men….a jealously….a pride that hid the sin in their hearts from ever being forgiven.


I know this sin very well…I was a hypocrite for many years. I judged without ever trying to know the heart of the sinner…I loved myself more than I loved the one that God sent me to help and serve. In some ways it is a sin that is much like other addictive diseases.  I have to confess my addiction to myself every day…so that I never let it take root in my heart again. I have to remind myself every moment that helping others know God is more important than any need I will ever have again.


Father….thank you for the reminder that you are the most important thing about life. Forgive me for all the times I fail to make it about you because I am so focused on my own needs. Help me to grow daily in my walk with you so that I will see clearly the people you let cross my path that need to hear how you have changed my life…and helped me through evry tough time I have known. Amen.

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