Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Make Music in your Heart

Ephesians 5:15-20  -  Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.  Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.  Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,  always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul packs a lot into this short passage. He tells us some basic things that all Christians should be doing already... make the most of every opportunity....be careful how you live...seek the Lord’s will. Then he tackles the controversial issue of drinking...too much can lead to debauchery....which is just a big word for indulgence in sensual pleasures. (Remember what happened to Noah.....Genesis 9)  And then the wise Paul ends up with my favorite part...where he tells us to speak to each other in Psalms and Hymns...and Spiritual songs....always making music in our heart and giving thanks for EVERYTHING!

I am not surprised that Paul found so much comfort and strength in the Psalms of David...he chose to sing Hymns of praise at least once that we know about while he was in prison.( Acts 16) I share his love of music...and find myself humming tunes all the time...and not just when I want to worship and praise.  There is a calming... a peace...a focus that comes when I sing...especially when it is a song of praise or adoration to God. In the quiet of the night...in my softest voice...with no one else to hear but God...I just can’t help myself from singing, “I love you Lord...and I lift my voice...to worship you...oh my soul rejoice....take joy my king...in what you hear...may it be a sweet ...sweet sound...in your ear.”

It seems trivial to justify why Paul gave such high regard to the Psalms.  David was a boy chasing after God’s own heart way before he was a man after God’s own heart. David was an amazing writer of music that was able to keep the fear of wild animals at bay while he was keeping watch over his father’s flock of sheep. (1Samuel 17)... David could strum a harp and soothe the craziest King about to lose his mind.  (1 Samuel 18) David could break out in a passionate cry to God in the darkest cave while he hid from his many enemies.  (Psalm 6....51...61....77...there are so many more ....)  David could focus on God and swing a slingshot with precision because he focused his mind on God any moment he got a chance with amazing words that became our precious Psalms.

It had to be these Psalms that inspired many others to follow his example and record great hymns like, “How Great Thou Art” ...first written as a poem by a Swedish preacher ...Carl Boberg.  The words of many of these great songs that celebrate our Lord’s sacrifice and speak of his majesty and wisdom.  Others in their darkest times have written Spiritual songs like, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” or “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” These songs were passionate cries to their God for freedom and deliverance of the pain the endured each day.  Some claim they even had embedded messages for the Underground Railroad system that many followed to freedom.

We should take Paul’s advice ...we should be careful how we live...just say no completely to any practice like drinking that might tempt us to stray from God’s will, leadership and purpose for our life. ...( and yes I know that there is no place in the bible that condemns drinking entirely...but I allowed drinking once to lead me totally way from God....so I choose now to abstain completely)  We should encourage one another with the great words of David’s Psalms....praise him with the unlimited number of great hymns and spirituals written by those that went before us. We should break into song at midnight...when we wake from a sound sleep and are troubled by some Earthly concern.

Dear father...I thank you so much for Paul’s words....simple reminders that I need to put you first in my life...put you before anything else that I do. Help me to be careful how I live ..to have the strength and courage...the confidence to say no to the many temptations like drinking...so I am not led into debauchery.  Help me make the most of this day...to look for opportunities to share your love ....to search for your will more diligently.  Fill me Lord to overflowing with power from your spirit....so that I can do nothing but praise you with Psalms....sing majestic hymns of praise ...and offer you my pain with the deep emotions of a spiritual song. Amen.

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