Saturday, December 13, 2014

God Is In Control....Of ALL Your Life

Daniel 5:22-23 - "But you his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this. Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways.


Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar took over as king while his father was left to be crazy for 7 years. He loved his parties…and loved the things around him even more.  One party he remembered the beautiful golden cups his father had brought back from the Temple in Jerusalem…and had them brought out to use that evening. As they drank and made a merry time…a disconnected hand appeared and wrote three words on the wall before his eyes.  But once again none of his magicians could translate their meaning.


The Queen reminded him of Daniel…so he was called for to tell them what they meant.  His news that the king’s days were numbered….his kingdom would be divided…and his prideful life would be judged to the fullest…were paired with Daniel’s take on the reason.  He told the king that he should have learned a lesson about humility from what happened to his father.  He told him that he should have honored Jehovah ….who held evry moment of our lives completely in his hands. Belshazzar died that very night.


It is a great reminder to me that God holds my life…all of it…every moment I am allowed to breathe. He controls what blessings or tragedies can become a part of my time here.  He alone chooses to protect and show mercy for the sin we allow to become a part of our life….or allow our mistakes to tumble into a life lesson that is meant to bring us to a greater understanding of who he is. The chances of staying on the mercy side of his glory are increased greatly if we maintain humility and see God as the creator and owner of everything we have.


Staying humble is not a guarantee of a blessed life…it just helps us to understand that the bad things that come our way have some purpose in God’s great master plan.  I will be the first to admit that I am more of a Belshazzar…than a Daniel. I struggle daily…especially this time of year to see purpose in the things that have happened to me that I perceive to be bad. I know in my heart that everything has a purpose under the son…and believe Solomon’s words from Ecclesiastes 3….but sometimes it is just hard to see the good in a divorce that broke up my first marriage…and to accept as a good thing the death of my second after such a short time. Even when I can see the purpose…it is still hard to be strong…and wait on God to show me the rest of his master plan to use it for good. I drift into times of…I need this because it will make me feel better…even if I know I don’t have God’s permission. The amazing thing is that God loves me through those times…and shows me mercy anyway.


Father…. Thank you for one more reminder that you are in complete control of everything I have…and you have a plan to prosper me and bless me beyond my imagination.  Forgive me for the times that I have done things just to make me feel better…and hindered the work you are trying to do in me.  Help me to find the strength of Daniel…and Paul…and Jeremiah…to listen and do exactly what you tell me. Amen.

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