Monday, December 15, 2014

Look Up In Your Confusion

Daniel 7:15-16 -  "I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the visions that passed through my mind disturbed me.  I approached one of those standing there and asked him the true meaning of all this. "So he told me and gave me the interpretation of these things:


Daniel began to have dreams of the future.  He wrote each one down ….for he knew that even though they were confusing …they contained facts about the future.   The first contained a lion with wings … a bear with raised paws… a leopard with wings and four heads…..and what he called an indescribable vicious beast with ten horns. They battled each other till he watched God open a book and judge all that were present…then the beast was destroyed.


In his disturbed state over this dream…he gathered his faith an courage …and looked to one of the beings for an explanation of what he had seen.  And he was given one…immediately. The animals were the leaders of the future that would battle for earthly power…until God came to judge and destroy the evil creature that been allowed to have his way with the people of God.


It gives me great hope to have this peek at the ending of all time here on Earth. And even though I know it will get worse before it will get better….I am so glad that God wins in the end. Daniel’s dream is one more confirmation that God is real….and very alive.  God’s not dead…he is letting the evil in the world dig their own graves. Evil loses in the end because it never realizes that God is more powerful than any other creature that he created. The only ones that will share in his ‘win’ are the ones that stay faithful through the storms that evil leaves in its wake.


Father…thank you for the peek at the end of the story of our world that you created. Forgive me for my lack of faith on some days. Help me to look up in my confusion to the angels that you send my way to comfort and give me new insight to the purpose for which you allowed me life. Let me ask like Daniel for meaning and interpretation of all that happens in my life.  Amen.

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