Saturday, June 7, 2014

Chase After God Till You Find HIm

Song Of Solomon 3:1-2 -  All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him.  I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him.


Solomon’s poem continues as we hear from the woman he wrote about.  Her predicament is that she must wait each night to see if he will come to her…for he has other choices in his haram. This night…she can’t wait any longer and goes out looking for him.


I know that this poem is about the love between a man and woman...and how they just can’t stand being apart….but it strikes me as a read it…that we should have the same relationship with God the father.  I should not be able to rest until I have visited with him…..and I should go out looking for him …and not stop till I find him.


It seems that most of the time…my relationship with God is the exact opposite.  The world distracts me with so much that I don’t even remember him till it is time to pick up my Bible at night…or sit at the computer to write a daily devotional…or walk into his sanctuary to worship with my friends.


Shame on me…..for letting God be the one who always chases me.  He is the girl in the poem for me…he never stops until he finds me...and gets my attention.  How very blessed I am to have someone who loves me so much.  Surely he can find a way to convince my heart to chase after him for a while.


Father…thank you for the reminder that I am loved by you.  Forgive me for taking that fact for granted so many days…and help me to find a way to love you as much as you love me.  Teach me how to chase after you…and not stop till I find you.  Amen.

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