Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stay In God's Shade

Isaiah 4:5-6 - Then the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over all the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.


If we take Isaiah’s words literally here…we have this glorious sight to look forward too. Some believe this to take place in a time labeled by others as the tribulation. According to Isaiah….A literal cloud of smoke and fire at night…just like God sent to Moses as they exited from Egypt….will come down and protect the remaining remnant of the tribe of Israel.


I admit to this novice Bible reader…that confusion sets in about this passage.  Revelation 7 tells us that 144,000 that will be saved from the same group. Scholars…theologians….and representatives from many different denominations of Christians could debate…even argue about exactly what this means for our future and what these numbers really mean.


I choose to believe that the exact number….or group of people Isaiah is referencing too is not as important as the thing God will do for them in this time. It sure would be cool…and probably mind blowing to actually witness this.  But I believe a deeper truth is offered to those of us that are here right now…in this generation…that have offered our lives to God.


His protection and shade may not take the form of a cloud of smoke or fire at night….but he has been trying to shade us from the world every day since we called out to him to be our father. He has told us what to do…but many of us…me included at times….have chosen to eat of the fleshy world like Adam and Eve ate of that apple. We choose daily to walk with God and stay under his umbrella of love and protection…or we choose to do what we want…and step outside of his will.


Father…thank you for the reminder that you are carrying an umbrella just the right size for the two of us.  Help me to stay so close that I stay shaded and protected 24/7 by the love it offers me.  Forgive me for the times that I have let go of your hand…and left the protection you offered…and made my own choices.  Renew my passion to search daily for your will and stick to the plan that you will give me….if I listen…if I stay committed and focused on you.  Amen.

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