Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Look And Listen For God's Way

Jeremiah 6: 16-17  -  So now the LORD says, "Stop right where you are! Look for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, 'No, that's not the road we want!'  I set watchmen over you who said, 'Listen for the sound of the trumpet!' But you replied, 'No! We won't pay attention!'


Jeremiah’s words from God fell on deaf ears. They had lost their way….stopped walking the road that God had given them when he delivered them from Egypt. They had made their own way for so long that they wouldn’t even listen to Jeremiah’s words of warning.


They wanted a selfish life…set around what they thought they needed. They invented idols and gods to pray to. They invented ways to worship the things they wanted and stopped seeking the will of God.  They never saw the dangers….justifying all that they did as good in some way.


I have done it myself…imagined a road that God was leading me on….justifying retirement….buying a house…and moving.  I even imagined why God was allowing me to do all these things…all good reasons….all reasons that would have opened doors to new opportunities to serve him.  But in reality the doors were not being opened by God…but my need to reconnect with my older parents on a more consistent basis. I needed to reestablish relationships with my sisters that live so close to them.


God messed up all that I invented to retire and move.  I still have the passion and need to move…but God is reconnecting me lately with the road he wants me to walk.  My heart believes it will lead me home someday…just not this year. I think of it as taking the scenic route…with many detours off the interstate that would have gotten me there much quicker.  If I travel the road home that God has chosen for me...it may take much longer….but all those scenic routes and detours will teach me…or give me opportunities to show his love to others….make new friends…and get even closer to the ones he has blessed me with here in London KY.


Father…I thank you for the reminder that you mapped out a road for me when you allowed me life.  I thank you for plan you have for me that will prosper me and give me hope for the rest of my future.  Open my eyes to see it clearly….and adjust my hearing…and even install the best hearing aide you have so I can hear your voice more clearly tell me what to do. Help me to walk only the roads you have planned for me…and stop trying to plan my own trips.  Amen.

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