Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Many Vessels Would You Have gathered?

2 Kings 4:3-6 -  Then he said, "Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors--empty vessels; do not gather just a few.  And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones."  So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out.  Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, "Bring me another vessel." And he said to her, "There is not another vessel." So the oil ceased.


She was the first of many believers to seek the Godly counsel of Elisha.  He had been trained by the master prophet Elijah…and even held Elijah’s mantel. This widow….desperate to keep her family together….did exactly as Elisha had told her.  She gathered her neighbors and friends containers….shut her doors…and poured the oil from her one small jar ….and filled every one.  The money she earned from selling them….paid her debt in full …and provided a daily life for her family for the rest of their life.


She must have split them all up….to go and borrow the vessels…each of them bringing back as many as they could carry into the house where they lived.  It must have been one cool scene inside that house…after they shut the doors….and the children’s eyes widened to behold the miracle  …the one small vessel their mother held in her hands…never seeming to run out of oil….till at last they had filled every container in the room.


It was her faith in the power of God… that produced enough oil to provide for her family’s needs forever.  She did not limit his power to provide to just a few vessels….she boldly went to her neighbors and ask for what she needed….and the results of her faith showed God’s great provision….to provide exactly what she needed….and more.


I’ll be honest and admit…I limit God most days.  I would have been so wrapped up in my desperation that I would have struggled to even go see Elisha…..let alone go knocking on my neighbors and friend’s doors asking for vessels.  I would have been worried about what they thought I was going to do with all those vessels….not just doing it because I knew in my heart it would take care of everything I was worried about.


It is a reminder to me that I have this same power….God can provide everything I ask him for…if I have the faith of this widow….and do exactly what he tells me to do.  His venue of delivery might not be a prophet…that I can talk to face to face…but his power is still there…just waiting for me to go and inquire of him.  I have the privilege of speaking to him in my prayers…and studying his Bible daily to know his will for my life. And I believe he still uses our Godly friends and family to speak his directions into our life as well.



Father….thank you for this story of faith ….that reminds me of the power you have to help us with all our needs.  Go with me today and help me to build my faith….to study your word and seek your direction in prayer.  Show me father how to tap into the never ending vessel of your precious oil that can provide for my needs….blessings so great they will overflow to others around me…so they can see your great love and mercy.  Give me the boldness and courage to go out and ask for what I need….when you give me your clear directions. Amen.

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