Friday, July 27, 2012

God's Voice

Genesis 6: 5-8 and 18 - ……  The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.  So the LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them."  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.  ……But I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you

The thought of God with a broken heart is not a happy thought. The evil seed of Cain had multiplied and God looked down on Earth with sorrow and grief at the way man had chosen to live. It corrupted even the good seed of Seth….Satan must have been proud as he overheard God’s words of distain. God was so disappointed that man had chosen evil instead of a relationship with him. But praise be to God that he found one man that managed to cling to the beauty and true things of God in the midst of all that evil…..for Noah’s righteousness and love for God…established a covenant that would bring eternal life to all who would later believe.

Noah is a model to us all of how to obey God in the midst of horrible times. God gave him directions to build a huge boat…in a spot of the Earth that was nowhere near water….in a day and time where water had never fallen from the sky.  The boat would house Noah’s family…two of every living creature….and food to sustain them all for the duration of the flood that would destroy every other living thing God had created.  This was no cruise ship to give Noah a break from the evil around him…it was a working vessel that would require every man and woman aboard to feed and care for thousands of animals on a daily basis.  The first zoo on record was designed by the master himself…somehow knowing that he could protect and replenish the plants of the Earth…but the animals would need 24/7 care to survive. And the world would be different when they were finally given permission to leave the boat and live on the Earth again. The release of all that water would change the environment so much that man days would be decreased greatly…the almost 1,000 year lifespan would be shortened to a maximum of 120 years. 

I struggle every day to hear God speak to me as he did Noah.  Many days I wish for a concrete task…that he would come sit down in my home and speak audible words…with clear directions for what he really wants me to do. I hear the voice in my head and wonder if it is just my dreams and wishes…God giving me a word…or Satan trying to lead me astray once again. Since no visions or spirits have ever manifested themselves to me …all I can do is check that voice…those words I think I heard…with that bible he left for me to read…to see if it matches up.  Sometimes I get it right…and I quickly see the good that was brought about because I followed God’s direction.  Most times I pray and fast and read and make that decision… ‘thinking’ I might be right…but never being sure. And the answers that come do not make me feel any surer…all I can do is cling to my choice…cause I checked it with the bible…and it lined up with what others who have followed God say is right.

Father…I thank you first for Noah…who found the inner strength to follow and obey you in the midst of a world gone mad. I pray this morning that you would help me to listen to you more closely so I can be sure that I have your complete directions for what you want me to do. Help me to screen out the world that has become just as evil…to listen just to you…to tune my ears to your voice by continuing to study and ask you to reveal the deep meaning of the Bible you left me to live by.  Speak to me father…and tell me what kind of boat I need to build….so I can find favor with you…and help lead someone else to know you before the world comes to an end for good. Amen.

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