Monday, September 9, 2013

Love God Enough To Take Risks

Ezra 2:59-60 -  Another group returned to Jerusalem at this time from the towns of Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Kerub, Addan, and Immer. However, they could not prove that they or their families were descendants of Israel.  This group consisted of the families of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda -- a total of 652 people.


The numbers and sub clans of Israelites that left Babylon must have been very important.  Each one is listed with the exact number  that traveled back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and Temple of Jehovah. The name of each leader was carefully recorded next to the number of Israelites he was in charge of.


One group of people traveled with them that could not even prove their ancestry as people of God.  They traveled alongside the others…knowing that they might not be able to participate in all the rituals and festivals they observed. They loved God so much …that they were willing to take a chance of not being fully accepted. 


The risk they took is an example of true faith.  Perhaps they had read the words of King Solomon recorded in Ecclesiastes 10:8-9….. “ When you dig a well, you may fall in. When you demolish an old wall, you could be bitten by a snake.  When you work in a quarry, stones might fall and crush you! When you chop wood, there is danger with each stroke of your ax! Such are the risks of life.” They were willing to take a chance that God would reward their huge step in faith….and traveled the long hard journey on faith alone.


Mark 12:30….Luke 10:27….Matthew 22:37 repeat the words given to Moses on Mount Sinai …recorded in Deuteronomy 6:5…. “ And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.”  These people…with no proof they were people of God…loved him with their whole heart…their whole soul…their whole mind.  They were willing to take a risk…and step out on faith that God would accept them in spite of their lack of paperwork.


It is an important reminder to me to never be afraid to step out on faith…when it comes to doing God’s will.  Rick Warren explains it as practicing the 80/20 rule.  He says…. “If you’ll do the 80 percent of God’s will that’s clear in the Bible, he’ll show you the 20 percent that’s not clear. In other words, love your neighbor. Spend time in God’s Word. Talk to God in prayer. Spend time with God’s people. Love your family. Love your kids. Protect the way that you speak to people. Be kind in your relationships. Be patient. Do the 80 percent that’s clear, and God will show you the rest.”


Father…thank you for these 653 people that loved you so much that they modeled for me how to step out on the faith in their whole being…to take a risk that would change their lives forever. Help me to internalize this great concept…and trust you more with the parts of my life …and the decisions that are not always clear. Help me to practice the parts of your will that are clear…and read your word…and study….and pray….and love others….so that the part that is unclear will suddenly become obvious.  Amen.

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