Tuesday, January 6, 2015

God Builds Character When We Balance Love And Justice

Hosea 12:4-6 -  He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there--  the LORD God Almighty, the LORD is his name of renown!  But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.


The Israelites had been chasing the wind.  They were searching for help in all the wrong places. So Hosea reminded them of Jacob…how he deceived his brother….spent time in hiding running from his problems…but finally realized the error of his ways and came back to try and make amends to his brother. He met with God just before he met with Esau…..wrestling with him all night …refusing to let go of him until he gave him a blessing for his future task.


Jacob understood the mistakes in his life…the sin they had caused and wanted to make things right with God again.  He was beginning to understand how love works…how it must be balanced with justice …and his life be given to God completely for his existence to make any sense.


The note is my Life Application Bible reminded me that too much love lulls a person into an easiness absent of any discipline. Too much justice results in no mercy at all. Love with no justice leaves people in sin….and justice without love drives people completely away from God. Our witness is distorted if we live very long with one or the other dominating our actions.


God builds good character in me when I let love be tempered with just the right amount of justice.  I am able to love all people …the way Jesus modeled for me.  I can see the soul of one who has been confused by homosexuality….and love them so much they might see the truth in their choices.   I can see the pain in the alcoholic or drug addict who struggles to put that obsession down….and love them with God’s strength to heal and help them break the addiction.  I can see the struggle the person who has done something terrible to hurt someone…and use my love to help them wrestle with that angel of God till they feel the blessing that God has already promised to give them if they repent.  God’s love simply isn’t selective…it loves all.


God builds good character in me when I refuse to let the world cause me to compromise justice. I can always use his love to help me take a stand on issues that are just not supported by his word. I can love the person…but hate the sin in their life.  I can love the heart…without being sucked into their sin ….with God’s help and strength.


Father...thank you for the reminder that building my character with love and justice will help me be more like you.  Forgive me when I have loved too hard…or used justice alone….and damaged my character.  Help me to learn to balance love and justice in my life…and model for others how your love can overcome any problem…no matter how long satan has tricked them into sin.  Help me to love everyone…and show them how to harness justice to free them from their addictions…hurts…and habits. Amen

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