Friday, May 11, 2012

prayers of Strength

2 Thessalonians 3: 1-5 - Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.  And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.  But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.  We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.

Paul ends another great letter to these new Christians with wonderful words of advice.  He tells us how important it is to lift each other up in prayer. He even tells us 5 things that we should include in our prayers for our Christian brothers and sisters. We should always ask God to strengthen us…so that his message of hope will spread rapidly among us…that God will be honored in all we say and do…for us to be delivered from those that have allowed evil to rule in their hearts….for Satan to be bound from playing his tricks on our hearts….and to have confidence in ourselves and in those we have taught.

We all have Christian friends who can use a boost of power from our prayers. They need our prayers as much as we need theirs.  It had to be the prayers of others that carried me through the deepest valley of my life…their prayers of comfort and strength offered up to God…their requests that he keep me and hold me and wrap me in his love…I know that these prayers were the power that somehow embodied me…convinced my heart to turn to God for help … to not give up when I lost my Mitchell. They gave me the strength to draw closer to God…to seek his help…to begin to heal.

Imagine for a moment if we all prayed for each other like that every day.  That we petitioned God to strengthen all our Christian friends as if they had just been through a darkened valley…that’s really what Paul is telling us to do. He is telling us not to wait till someone needs that extra dose of God….cause life is really falling apart...he is telling us to pray that God strengthen us every day…to draw all Christians so close to God’s heart…that we begin to walk the earth with Jesus’ passion.  That we pray like Jesus did for his disciples each morning…that God would open their eyes to the mission of spreading his message of love…peace….and salvation for all.

Father…who is my US?  Who am I called to pray for every day? Who would you have me to support in prayer?  Help me Lord to really grasp this powerful message you placed strategically for me in your word…to tell me that my prayers each morning should not just be about my needs….should not just be about the ones I know are hurting….but my prayers should lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ…that we might be bound in your strength and power to go out and teach your words to others. Until you reveal to me a specific name…or names you wish me to support…I ask this morning that you be with all my friends that believe in you….that you bless them with resources and wisdom to share your love today and everyday.  Help me make this a priority in my prayers each day. Amen.

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