Monday, October 6, 2014

God Purifies And Redirects Our Wrong Choices

Jeremiah 46:28 -   Do not fear, O Jacob my servant, for I am with you," declares the LORD. "Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished."


Jeremiah had just given the leaders of Egypt a word from God. He was not going to tolerate the idol worship in that land and wanted them to hear the reason he had allowed Nebuchadnezzar to overthrow them. Many of the Jews would also be destroyed in this war…but some would choose wisely to return to their own land as God had directed.


All those that had not followed God’s directions would be punished…and many would die. They would bear the natural consequences of making the wrong decision. They would die just as Jeremiah had told them they would if they left Judah in the first place.


Those of us that are parents understand the concept of punishment. It is a necessary sometimes for us to teach our children the consequences of an immoral decision…or sometimes just making the decision to do what they were told not to do. We want them to understand that while they are in our care…we are responsible for teaching them right from wrong.  We want them to understand that making the wrong choice will eventually catch up with them.


I am so glad that Jesus came and died on the cross…even though he had never done anything wrong…even though he did not need to be punished. He lessened my punishment for sin when he sacrificed his own life for mine....he did not eliminate the need for God to punish and redirect us sometimes.


God punishes us to purify and redirect us back to him. He wants us to love him more that the world around us.  He wants us to love him as much as his own son did. He wants us to listen to him and read the word he left us to direct our decisions.  He wants us to love him so much that we pray for his guidance instead of make our own decisions.


Father…thank you for the times that you have punished me for making the wrong choices. Thank you for redirecting me back to a healthier relationship with you. Forgive me for the times that I have sinned and caused you to discipline me at all.  Help me to see the punishments as ways to grow my character….as ways to know you in a deeper way.  Amen.

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