Thursday, February 19, 2015

Attitude Is Key In The Rituals We Choose To Build Our Faith

Zechariah 7:5-6 - “When you return to Bethel, say to all your people and your priests, ‘During those seventy years of exile when you fasted and mourned in August and October, were you really in earnest about leaving your sins behind and coming back to me? No, not at all! And even now in your holy feasts to God, you don’t think of me, but only of the food and fellowship and fun.


Zechariah’s next word from God came in late November.  The Jews had sent a group of leaders to request a blessing from God…and ask God if the annual August fasting and mourning they did was still necessary now that they were home. The answer God gave through Zechariah is key to understanding how important attitude is in our worship of God…and the rituals we have adopted as necessary to our faith.


God pointed out how empty their rituals had become….a mere action to show obedience in a rule. Their attitude was not right when they came together to worship…to mourn…or too fast.  They only thought of the food and fellowship that they would enjoy...with no attitude of worship…or praise…or empathy for the reasons they were told to fast and worship in the first place.


I sure needed the reminder …I even fought writing this morning. We are out another day …roads in our area still impassible in some areas.  I have enjoyed a preview of what retired life might bring…rising later than my usual 5 o’clock…drinking my whole pot of coffee at the house. I admit that I have rested a little too much while I have been snowed in…complacency and selfish thoughts ruling my actions.


The thought that convicted me the most revolves around a fast I started 4 years ago. I stopped eating beef and pork to ask God to save two students that I realized were lost.  I realized one afternoon while discussing religion with the Academic team members I was working with that they were lost in the false teachings of the cultures they were raised in.


True fasting should take our focus off ourselves for the time we fast…and concentrate our hearts on God. The moments that we are reminded what we are giving up should remind us to pray for the reason we chose to fast in the first place. In my case….the fast has gone on for so long that giving up those meats doesn’t trigger my vow to pray for them as much anymore.  I have looked for so many substitutes…that I become complacent in my passion to see them saved.


That’s exactly what God was telling these Jews through Zechariah.  God wants our attitude to match the ritual we have chosen to help us strengthen our faith.  God does not want the ritual to become more important than Him. He doesn’t want me to fast…just because I said I would 3 years ago.  He wants me to honor the reason I chose to fast…to pray for these two with more fervor…to increase the rigor of my prayers even….becoming more humble in the process.  If I apply this concept to all the rituals I have developed through the years to strengthen my walk with God….I build humility and become more service oriented…I think less about my own needs and more about what  I can do for others.


Father…thank you for the reminder that fasting and the other rituals I choose to build my faith require an attitude of worship and love for you. Forgive me for letting my promise become so meaningless and weak. Renew in me this morning a passion to these two saved…and increase my prayers for them when I am tempted with the foods I chose to fast. Renew my heart with a passion to become less and less of me….so more of you can show to others.  Amen.

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