Thursday, February 12, 2015

What Shape Is Your Temple?

Haggai 2:3-5 – “Who among you can remember the Temple as it was before? How glorious it was! In comparison, it is nothing now, is it?  But take courage, O Zerubbabel and Joshua and all the people; take courage and work, for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty.  For I promised when you left Egypt that my Spirit would remain among you; so don’t be afraid.


The people had obeyed God and began to rebuild the Temple as God had asked. As it neared completion God had Haggai ask them to consider the Temple in its former glory. He did not want them to lose heart because it was not the exact replica of the one Solomon had built. He told them that he wanted them to have courage….to work hard….and know that God was going to help them make it just the perfect place for them to worship.


My first thought was to think of the Temple that I ask God to come live in when I was 14.  I stopped working on it some time ago…and let it get very out of shape.  I added several pounds of fat eating the wrong foods….and never taking time to exercise.  My Temple is not very healthy now…and needs to be remodeled. It has been ignored long enough for diabetes….high blood pressure….high cholesterol…and  arthritis to begin to cause me health problems.


To be honest with you…the realization came around thanksgiving last year.  I knew I could not do anything on my own …so I signed up to take part in a group studying a book called the Daniel Plan. It has helped me begin a journey to better health…and a healthier temple for God to live in.  It has been hard work to change my entire lifestyle…eat more fruits and veggies…watch my portions…give up sugar…cook with natural ingredients…and exercise.


I am well on my way…the 10 pounds I have lost motivates me to continue…but I struggle daily with making all the changes I need too….especially the exercise.   I needed the reminder that God is with me through these changes I need to make.  He will give me the courage and strength I need to keep motivated and continue to change the way I eat and be more active.  He did not promise to make it any easier….but somehow the knowledge that he is helping me gives me a new focus to keep trying.


Father…thank you for the reminder that you will help us with any task you give us to do.  Forgive me for the times I have forgotten to include you in my strength training….and failed to invite you to the table where I nourish the Temple you gave me.  Help me to focus on you more closely and let you be my trainer in this task of rebuilding the Temple that I let get out of whack. Amen.

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