Saturday, August 22, 2015

Giving...Use God's Heart..Not Our Own

2 Corinthians 8:2-3 -  Though they have been going through much trouble and hard times, they have mixed their wonderful joy with their deep poverty, and the result has been an overflow of giving to others.  They gave not only what they could afford but far more; and I can testify that they did it because they wanted to and not because of nagging on my part.

Paul encouraged the Corinthian church to continue in the attitude of giving they had developed when he was there on earlier visits. He reminded them specifically of the Macedonian Christians…who were struggling financially themselves…but cheerfully and routinely found something that they could share with the Jerusalem Christians who were struggling even more.

Paul reminded them that it was not the size of the gift…but the size of the heart that gave it that mattered most to God. It is our willingness to give cheerfully …not out of any pity or guilt…that shows God the true measure of our love for others. We are not to see our gifts as mere handouts…but a way to support another….so God can reveal to us the joy that comes from helping others.

Paul makes one more point in this chapter about giving. Our giving should be in response to Christ….not what we can get out of it. These Christians had dedicated themselves first to God…so that He could direct their hearts in all matters….even the resources that He gave them to live from day to day.  If we follow their example….and dedicate all that we have to God…then he will reveal to us what to do with everything He places in our hands.

I am guilty of thinking more of my own needs than others at times. Paul said to care for our basic needs…to fulfill our commitments to family… then to consider others before we begin to spend on luxuries.  Perhaps it is a blessing of retirement life to find myself with a fixed income that is way less than I was accustomed as a full time teacher. It is uncanny how I have wanted less…seeing that God had already given me way more than I deserve. It is a reminder that I need to rethink this morning how I can do more for others with the resources God has given me.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you have and will provide all that I need.  Forgive me for the times that I have tried to hoard the resources you have given me to think only of myself….or the rainy day that funds might not flow so easily.  Give me a heart like Christ…willing to give all that I have to others…so that they can know who you are and experience the great joy of living with you that salvation brings to the heart.  Amen.

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