Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's All About You...Jesus

Revelation 4:8-11  -    Each of these Living Beings had six wings, and the central sections of their wings were covered with eyes. Day after day and night after night they kept on saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty—the one who was, and is, and is to come.”  And when the Living Beings gave glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne, who lives forever and ever,  the twenty-four Elders fell down before him and worshiped him, the Eternal Living One, and cast their crowns before the throne, singing,  “O Lord, you are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for you have created all things. They were created and called into being by your act of will.”

John turns from delivering the pure words of God to the churches…to describing the honor of peeking into heaven. He is given a wonderful vision of Christ on his throne….glittering and shining in glory in an array of beauty and color. He saw 4 living creatures that resembled things he knew…but yet were nothing like anything he had ever known.  He saw 24 elders that took their place around the throne. The picture was completed with the sighting of 7 lighted lamps…which he was told represented the seven fold spirit of God.

The thing that drew my thoughts this morning was the fact that all of the living beings in John’s vision were praising and glorifying God in some way. The Creatures spoke a repeated mantra of “Holy… Holy …Holy…the Lord God Almighty…the one who is and was and is to come.” Then the elder joined in with a chorus of,  “O Lord, you are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for you have created all things. They were created and called into being by your act of will.”

My brain has always imagined my crossover into heaven as a sort of reunion…..all the loved ones that have gone on before me welcoming me…hugging me.  The visons are always centered around me and how wonderful and complete I will feel as I join them on the other side of earth. John’s vision points out to my heart how very wrong I have been.

John sees a picture of how it will truly be…all creatures...everything that God has created and honored with a place close to him…praising and glorifying God.  Everything will be about God.  All my thoughts will finally be able to focus completely on honoring him...giving the praise he deserves with no interruptions form the world. I will be so overcome by his presence that I too will fall to my knees and find a chorus of praise to sing for all eternity.

It gives this old woman cause to reflect on just how much praise and honor I give to God now. I need to stop defining my praise to God in earthly terms...and begin to understand how continual praise and honor to God can increase my faith and strength to persevere through the hard times God is allowing in the world today. Evil will not win in the end.  All things will someday praise and honor God.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you are sovereign… and that I am to be about praising you in everything that I say and do.  Forgive me for letting the world distract me once again into ever believing things are about me. Help me to focus more on you and find more ways to honor and glorify you while I am still on this earth.  Amen. 

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