Sunday, November 22, 2015

Keep Praying For The Lost...Till Time Is No More

Revelation 9:20-21 -  But the men left alive after these plagues still refused to worship God! They would not renounce their demon-worship, nor their idols made of gold and silver, brass, stone, and wood—which neither see nor hear nor walk!  Neither did they change their mind and attitude about all their murders and witchcraft, their immorality and theft.

John describes the horror of the plagues that will be unleashed when the 5th and 6th angels blow their horns. Locusts with scorpion like tails and demons with the power to kill 1/3 of mankind will take over the earth and torture all who do not wear the mark of God on their forehead.

How horrible that time will be. I admit that I hope my family and friends…including myself… will be taken to heaven way before this day. This 5 months will not be pleasant for anyone that does not wear the mark of God on their foreheads.

It is so out of my ability to reason that even after all this torture…the ones remaining will cling to their disbelief. I have a hard time understanding why anyone would choose to believe in anything other than God…but there are many.

This truth speaks to my idealistic heart.  It tells me to just accept that my calling here on earth is to share as much of God’s love as I can. It is not my job to make sure everyone believes the same as I.  God controls the world…but he allows each of his creations to accept or reject the one who made them.

My hearts hurts so bad for those that reject Christ…especially if they are family…or people I have come to build relationships with.  I may not be able to change their minds…but I can continue to lift them up in prayer and intercede on their behalf. Only God knows if there is any one word or happening that will convince the ones I have come to know and love that God is real.  All I can do for those who reject him is pray that God keep revealing to me and the other believers in their lives to keep modeling his love to them.

I admit that sometimes I don’t even bother to pray for the ones I don’t know yet. I read about their deeds and think that they deserve whatever bad consequences come their way. But some of these people could come to know Christ if someone takes the time to model Christ for them.  Only God knows the one situation and the words that will speak to the reason they chose not to believe.

Father thank you for the reminder that one of my jobs for you is to never give up on the lost and unbelieving that cross my pathway. Forgive me for the times that I have ignored the lost for any reason. Help me to take the time each day to intercede for any soul that is destined for this picture that John paints of ultimate death.  Amen.

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