Thursday, January 28, 2016

Team Up With God

Exodus 3:11-12 - But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”  So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”

Moses had spent 40 years in Midian with his father-in-law herding his flocks. This day…as he neared Mount Horeb…his eyes beheld a bush.  It seemed to burn from within but the fire never consumed the bush.  As he approached it…just to get a better look…he heard the voice of God come from within.  He told him to take off his shoes to stand on such holy ground.  He told him he had a job for him to do that involved going back home to Egypt.

Moses reaction to God’s call reminds me so much of myself. He thought he was unworthy…and questioned the very sense of God to pick him at all.  His doubts began a dialogue with God that quickly taught Moses that who he was really wasn’t the point.  It was who God could make him if they teamed up together.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about my failures and mistakes. They creep into my head and try to convince me that I have no abilities…no authority to be any use to God.  The thoughts would weaken my faith…. weaken my ability to do God’s work…if it weren’t for one thought that God planted when he called me. I am not doing anything on my own…I am in a partnership with Christ.  It is his strength inside me that keeps me from hitting the snooze button on days that I know I need to be up early to spend time with him.

There has never been a day that when I call on God to help me that he hasn’t shown up.  It may not have been in a burning bush…but if I sit still…and focus my mind on him…and what I have read out of his word…he whispers softly to my fingers exactly what he needs me to understand.  Throughout the day…even when I am not paying attention…he shows up with lesson after lesson….using the great world around me.

Father…thank you for the reminder that you called each of us to a certain task for you when we ask you to be our Lord. Forgive me for the many times that I have let my unworthiness trick me into thinking I don’t have any authority or power in this world.  Help me always to remember to call out your promise in Philippians 4:13….I CAN…do ALL things…with my side. Amen.

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